Seriously or Comedy movies do you like ?

@busky5 (3164)
July 9, 2009 1:01am CST
For me, i like to look comedy movies bacause i watch movies for relaxing. I am not a serious person.I think the real life is serious if i watch a serious movies add to my mind, it will plus me more serious.Do you think why do you watch movies?
5 responses
@Elaine77 (315)
• China
4 Aug 09
hi there I like them both, to watch one of them depends on my mood to watch something, but I usually like to watch comedy with my friends and serious movie by myself. good day!
1 person likes this
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
4 Aug 09
I agree with you too.Thank you to join.Have a nice day.
• China
9 Jul 09
As for me ,i prefer to comedy movies.i like it because comedy movies can release my pressure and bring me up especially when i am fairly upset.when i comes to it ,i would laugh which make me relax.thus ,in the society which full of fiere competition,we need to watch comedy movies as a way of relaxing ourselves .
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
9 Jul 09
I agree with you watching comedy to release my pressure in real life.Thank you.Have a nice day.
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
Lightning McQueen - From Cars movie
Hi there Busky!It actually depends upon my mood. There are times when I like watching drama or serious movies and there are times when I want to watch comedy movies. When my mind is already filled with worries, problems or when I am feeling tired, I prefer to watch comedy movies but if I am in the mood to focus, to think, to concentrate on understanding or feeling something, I prefer watching serious films.
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
9 Jul 09
Maybe in serious movies have problems to you thinking.Thank you to share idea.Have a nice day.
• Malaysia
9 Jul 09
I also prefer comedy movies, they are very entertaining! I can watch it with anyone, friends or family and it'll be a good ride together. If it's a serious one, I wouldn't know if my friends or family like the serious kind of movie, since certain people do not like it (uninteresting, etc). Comedy seems to dwell well with anyone!
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
9 Jul 09
I like to come in the movies, i don't like a serious movies, because i like to think its really.Thank you.Have a nice day.
• China
9 Jul 09
I like comedy movies,too.I like HK films most,esp stephen chow's films.They are funny and make me ease.
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
9 Jul 09
I like hk comedy too, and JO-SING-SEU.Sorry if i spell wrong.Thank you.Have a nice day.