News Flash for my Mylot Friends

@cynthiann (18602)
July 9, 2009 11:37am CST
I am so happy. My daughter just phoned and told me that she has got the job as a lecuter at a University in our country. My friends know the drama of her having to leave the N.C. and how fraught with worry we were. Also she cleared all her belongings yesterday from the wharf - all her furniture and appliances from her house in the NC without any hassle or overcharging. Thank goodness her fiance's parents offered to store it all for her! Another piece of good news. I am so happy for her and I am telling everyone! I have already phoned my son in the U.K. and both of my sisters. Her father would be so proud of her too. My boss is back from vacation but he cannot dampen my mood today. I rejoice. Has you heard any good news today?
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19 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I am so glad that she got the job. One question though, do ya'll have the same wattage and current as we or does she need a converter to use her appliances? But wow! That's good news!
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Well that is great! I am glad you don't have to use a converter etc, and am also glad your rejoicing for her good news. Maybe it was a good thing my country kicked her out? Is she making more money there then she was here? I don't know if you had said that or not.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 09
We use your appliances in our country so tio is the same cycle. It is great news for us and we are rejoicing for her
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@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
11 Jul 09
i am happy for you and your daughet for her new job and i hope it works out.maybe your boss will be in a good mood and won't bother you. have a good day Ann
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
11 Jul 09
nn, I am very happy for her too. My boss is in the city today so not around to get on my very last nerve!
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I am so glad to hear that things are looking up for your daughter. I know things must have been really hard on her lately. That is really good news. I have not heard any good news lately. In fact all I have had is bad. Thanks for sharing your good news, at least I can be happy for you and your family.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 09
Thak yok Lilybug - I know that came from the heart. I am sorry for your bad news. I have sent something for you today - just bits of nonsense really but I know that you like to receive posts
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• Brisbane, Australia
10 Jul 09
That is indeed great news. Good on her. I'm sure she will have a great and wonderful experiences with this job and I'm sure you're very proud of her too. I wish her all the best of luck:)
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 09
This is so kind of you to respond to my post. My friends know the whole story so understand why I am so elated
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
10 Jul 09
This is THE great news I have heard, today. I am so happy that you are Happy. And yes i have been following your posts, so I think I know somewhat. I think I told you that things shall be set right, didn't I? Have a great day dear friend.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 09
Yes, you did predict that it would turn out all right and it did! Thanks dear friend for your kind wishes
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• China
10 Jul 09
Hello,I am a chinese.I'm so happy reading your things.I'm sorry my English is so bad.You are a adult and have a daught.I'am studying in sichuan university.I hope one day I can step in USA.Yeah,it is difiicult for me to say English,so that's all.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 09
Your did vey well. I cannot speak Chinese at all. Pracise on Mylot and it will improve dramatically.
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@AmbiePam (86486)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I'm so glad it worked out. It just made me sick when she first learned she didn't have the teaching job she wanted. I guess God has bigger and better plans for her. Well, let's see, good news...I was able to go to church this morning. I hadn't been feeling well enough to go for over a month. I was happy to be there this morning. A young couple was there talking about the ministry they are doing overseas in Thailand.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
13 Jul 09
Thak yo for your good wishes to her. I feel so much happier for her now. and am happy too that you are feeling better. Take great care of yourself dear friend, great care. Blessings
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Well going back three days I can say I had good news. I was in New York visiting my daughter and got to meet Oceantiara today.....and it was so much fun! More like connecting with an old friend then meeting someone new for the first time!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
12 Jul 09
Oh I am so happy that you met an online friend. That is great.
@tjades (3591)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
Hi Cynthian. That is good news. no one really wants to be out of a job at this time. I want to start my degree in september so who knows, she and might become my lecture if its the same university I choose. I really need to get this teaching diploma out of my system and get that degree. Good news, I have a confirmed place here in Ja at a university I really want to attend and two conditional offers at universities in England. Based on work committments I think I'll be staying here to study but have not yet made my find decision. A cousin of mine will also be getting married in Virginia and I plan to attend. Well I guess thats the good news in my neck of the woods so its back over to you .
@tjades (3591)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
Will do
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
Yes, I am so happy for her as she so deserves the job. They seemed very impressed with her qualifications and experience so I am just hoping that all will be well. I am glad for you tha tyou will be going for that degree. So important for your future. I hope tha tyou enjoy the wedding in Virginia. If you decide to stay here then let me know which university please.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Jul 09
Hooray, that's great. I was wondering how it was going to work out with her after all the disappointment in NC.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Jul 09
That is great. It definitely worked out for the best!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
I can't express my happiness at how this is turning out. It is a new university and there will be many challenges but I know that she will do well. Maybe it is best that she and her fiance are at last in the same country! she is coming to me this evening and it will be so much fun.
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@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
9 Jul 09
Yay for her!! I'm glad it's all working out. Everything always has a way of coming together. My mood is definitly lifted today. We were able to get our car started this morning, we just needed to charge the battery. We think either the battery is bad or the ignition coil is, either way it's not a terribly expensive fix. I got to the store and was able to get a bit of food to get us through the day, and I treated myself to some food a bit more expensive than I'd normally get, just because I felt we deserved it after how long we've been suffering. Then, when I got home there was a message in my mail, someone actually wants to buy our computer and they didn't even try to talk the price down! She's going to pick it up tomorrow at 4. I'm pretty happy right now myself! I still never got whatever message you were trying to send me yesterday.
• United States
9 Jul 09
I did send you a message yesterday to let you know I hadn't gotten yours yet. I think Mylot is conspiring against us! I'll try again to send you a message.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
And I am so happy for you. I am glad that you are goling to get the price that you wanted for the computer too. One day you will be able to get another one. I have sent you 3 pm messages. Please can you pm me - it really is important and I know that you have not received them as I would have had a response from you. We all ned a treat now and then. hi is life - you just never can know what surprise is around the corner!
• United States
9 Jul 09
That is wonderfful news, HIP, HIP HOORAY,ABOUT TIME SHE HAS SOME GOOD NEWS & THINGS GOING HER WAY. i KNOW U ARE JUST BESIDE YOURSELF & I'M SO GLAD FOR U TO. It does my heart good to know u are so happy. I'd be telling everyone to. ,,
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
Thank you so much - I knew that you would be pleased for us. I am so proud of her - I am telling the world. She is only 26 - she graduated from High School at 15 and so she went to college and university at a younger than usual age. Her fiance's parents have room in their house and have kindly asked her to stay with them so she can save in earnest for her wedding. They just love her and told me that they couldnot want a better person than her in their family. They have shown her so much love. This pleased me too!
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• United States
9 Jul 09
I certainly am. That is very kind of his parents. U know we always love people that love our children.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
That is so true. I hadn't considered that before but you are right. It is very kind of them - she will pay her way but will not have to pay for accommodation and will be able to save for her wedding too.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
9 Jul 09
No, I haven't heard any good news today. I haven't heard any bad news, either, for that matter, lol. I'm so happy for you and your daughter! I'm so glad she got the job! I'm also glad she cleared all her belongings with the wharf. It was so nice of her fiance's parents to offer to store it for her. I'm sure all of this takes a lot off your shoulders! Kathy.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
10 Jul 09
All that hard work paid off, didn't it? It sounds like you did a good job of raising her. She sounds like a nice young lady and a hard worker, herself. I wish her the very best of luck! Kathy.
@ashia101 (203)
• Philippines
10 Jul 09
That's a great news. I'm sure she deserve what she got.good luck on her.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 09
Thak you so very much. I am happy for her
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Jul 09
absolutely wonderful, this is great you must be very proud she is doing so nice. I have nothing that I can think of that is really good happening but that is amazing for you and I wish your daughter well.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
Thanks winterose - I am on such a high what with recession out her etc.
@moondancer (7433)
• United States
9 Jul 09
This is wonderful news and of course you wanted to let others know. Her father is not the only one that is proud of what she has accomplished, her mother is too. And rightfully so. I always say that everything happens for a reason and the reason that she has had the things happen to her lately is so that she would be open for something better for her. I'm glad that things are working out for her.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
Thank you moondancer for your response. I am so happy for her and it is working out o.k. Blessings dear friend
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
15 Jul 09
That is good news, congrats to your daughter.. I don't have anything extreme in the good news area, but last week my husband finally started getting work done on my sons bedroom so he has his own place to sleep..(If you knew the story behind this, it is big news)
@maezee (41996)
• United States
9 Jul 09
Congratulations to your daughter! That must be really exciting. Good luck to her & this new endeavor! I haven't really heard any good news except for that one of my friends who I haven't talked to in about a year gave me a call! And we talked for about 3 hours and I learned a lot about what's been going on with him & we promised to keep in touch. I'm happy he got a hold of me (because I didn't know his number). I guess that's good news as any!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
Of course that is great news too. It is awful to lose contact with good friends
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
9 Jul 09
That is wonderful news! I received a 'best response' today on mylot, so that is my good news. Have a good afternoon!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
Blessings. I am glad tha tyou got a best response too.