Do you afraid of your wife?

United States
July 13, 2009 4:10pm CST
A friend of mine who is really afraid of his wife. He couldn't go out with us during the weekday, because his wife checking on him. I didn't really met his wife in person yet. But another friend of mine met his wife once, and he said she seems like a nice person. Sometimes, he said that his wife mad at him, he couldn't get anything straight. He must make her happy again; and talk to him again. It seems like he was more like a slave than a husband. Are you afraid of your wife?
5 responses
@kavikent (57)
• India
19 Jul 09
I may not be the right person to answer, my husband's views would be more appropriate. But still, I can say with full faith that my husband is NOT afraid of me. Why should he be?? I am not a monster to eat him. All this things come when there is no love between husband and wife. If there is reciprocal in love, then automatically these things seem silly to even hear. As for your friend, I have a feeling, that because his wife seemed to be a nice person, probably, he wants to avoid going out with you and this "afraid of wife" is just a excuse and nothing else. check him out the next time you are planning to go out.
@meyows (438)
• India
15 Jul 09
Some people re like that, they will be treated so harshly by their wives that they afraid of them.
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
i've also got this type of person ...i have a male classmate before who is always foretelling me a story about his life as a couple...most of the time he got late when entering the classroom..because he cannot go out from home after he do some snack preparation for her wife..he is really afraid of his wife...
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Sounds like a rather pathetic guy.
• United States
13 Jul 09
I agree with user316. If you're afraid of someone, the last thing you should do is marry them. You might as well just keel over and die now, rather than spend the rest of your life afraid of the person you live with. Also, one thing that tends to happen when people marry is children. Do you really want to have children with someone that you're afraid of? Wouldn't you be worried that your kids would be afraid of them too?