Iron Man 2

United States
July 13, 2009 7:40pm CST
I read somewhere on the internet that Terrence Howard wont be in Iron man 2, is that true?
2 responses
14 Jul 09
Yep and as all ready pointed out Don Cheadle will be stepping into the role. One of the rumours going about is that Howard was to expensive and so they went for the equally talented Cheadle but for less money. Not sure I believe this rumour as with a movie which is costing millions I doubt that Howard would have been too expensive. At least Cheadle is a very good actor so other than a continuity blip I am sure Iron Man II will be just as good if not better than the first.
• United States
14 Jul 09
Personally, though, I think Terrence Howard was the best man for the job. I mean I can't really see Cheadle in a movie like Iron Man 2, to me its just not his style of acting (if there is such a thing). I admit though that Cheadle is a good actor and will do his best to fill the role and who knows, he could be a way better fit than Howard. Do you really think Terrence Howard would turn down a movie like Iron Man 2 because he wasn't getting paid enough. There budget has to over 3 mil don't you think?
14 Jul 09
I think a lot depends on how they plan to develop the character in the second movie. If they are planning to play it straight then I would have said Howard would have been best. But if they are looking for a more comedic performance then Cheadle would just edge it. I honestly think the money rumour is rubbish and may be something to do with his legendary attitude rubbing Jon Favreau up the wrong way to much. It's well documented that since he got an Oscar nod he has become a bit too full of himself.
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
Yes, it is true...Terrence Howard will be replaced by Don Cheadle... I still want Terrence to play the role... Anyways, rumors say that they replaced Terrence because he was not being professional in the first Iron Man and they did not "sort of" like his acting...And he is expensive! Haha