Why is Imagination not something real?

@Tetchie (2932)
July 15, 2009 11:45pm CST
Is a figment of someones imagination only called so because only one person saw it? Ponder that and tell me your thoughts.
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6 responses
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Oh but your Imagination is very real. Here is a quick lesson in how your human brain works. Our brain performs 5 different functions and all pertain to INFORMATION. # 1. The brain RECEIVES information. #2 . The brain PROCESSES the information it receives. # 3. The brain STORES the processed information within it's own storage system. # 4. Then the brain RETRIEVES information from it's storage system. # 5. The brain then either uses information it retrieves from it's storage system or information it is receiving at the time from an outside source to completely control every function of your human body. That includes every thought you think, every word you speak and every move your body makes in any direction. Your imagination is nothing more than your brain retrieving information from it's storage system and looking at the different possibilities. The more you know about a subject the more vivid your imagination is concerning that subject. However the old saying about computers is very true with the human brain. "Junk in, Junk out". If you fill your brain with a lot of junk, false information, then your imagination may wonder around into places it doesn't need to go. This one little thing gets a lot of people into some very serious trouble. A good imagination is healthy and very useful but only if it is based on fact. The truth is we have all collected a head full of junk information that can cause us serious problems if we are not real careful. Art
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Jul 09
Interesting summation Arkie. Have you ever considered thoughts being more inspiration and not of the brain, ie the mind being different from the brain. The brain therefore being an organ to process thought?
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Jul 09
You are excused for leaving a long post. You have obviously done allot of thinking on this subject.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
16 Jul 09
First of all the human brain is nothing more than a number of super computers. It deals in information only. The brain isn't nearly as complicated as most people believe. The brains main concern is to control and protect the human body it lives in. The brain stores information it is exposed to in only 3 different categories. These are either True, False or unclassified. The processing stage of the brain is what determines if information we receive is true or false. The unclassified information is simply information we receive and our brain doesn't contain enough information on the subject to classify it as either true or false. In this case the brain just tosses it in to a box hoping to get additional information at a later date that will prove it one way or the other. In most cases it does. However the method our brain is using to classify information is getting us into some very serous trouble. Any computer, including the human brain must use some type of comparison system to be able to know how to handle information it receives. In other words when your brain receives information in order to determine if the information is true or false it must compare the information to something it already has in it's storage system. As you read this your brain is constantly asking the question, Is what I am saying true or false. That's all it is concerned with. If I say something and your brain compares it against what you believe to be true if it doesn't match then your brain will come back very quickly and inform you that I am wrong. This may be true and it may not be. What if the information in your brain's storage it used to make the comparison was not absolute fact? Then your own brain just lied to you about the true quality of the information I just gave you. One of our biggest problems as humans trying to live and function in this world is the fact we all have a head full of information that is not correctly classified. A lot of the information we believe to be true is not true and a lot we believe to be false is not false. The biggest problem with this is the fact it causes us to make incorrect decisions and these always produces some kind of problem for us or someone around us. Please excuse the long post but this is a very serious subject that we all need to understand a lot better. The fact that we don't understand what is going on within our own little pea brain is causing us to make some very serious mistakes that usually hurt us in some way. For our brain to function correctly every scrap of information stored within it must be absolute fact. Anything less screws up the processing stage of the brain and causes us problems. Art
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• India
16 Jul 09
Its the Figment of someones imagination that has made this world a very beautiful place to live in.. It all starts with imagination and which then leads to the determination of someone to make it happen and make this imagination into reality... We would have never been what we are today if we or our parents had not imagined us in this form..
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Jul 09
A creative force then. I wonder how many ideas were squashed because it was just to 'unimaginable' by some. Thanks for dropping by midgefaria.
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
17 Jul 09
Totally believe that everyone should have their own experiences and that influences from other people are opportunities for discernment and new learning.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Midgefaria & Tetchie, This is a very good point you bring up. We have to remember though that our imagination is limited by two things. In order to develop a good productive imagination we must first open our minds to all possibilities. Second and most important is self education. The inter net has done wonders in this area. If you are will to spend the time to look you can find just about any information you will ever need to do anything you will ever want to do. A good imagination without good information is greatly restricted. Certain things we see or hear triggers our brain in a certain direction. What we refer to as an imagination is nothing but our brain looking at different possibilities. Like you suggest a lot of good ideas have been lost for the simple reason people were afraid of what other people would think about their idea or they just didn't have enough information to follow through on it. The next time you think you might like to do something no matter how far out in left field it may sound at first go to work and do the research. Gather any information you can find on the subject. Giver you brain the information it needs to control your body in the direct you want to go and there is no limit on what you can do. I am a free thinker and I don't allow anyone to influence my thinking. I will accept new information from anyone but I will not allow anyone to try to convince me that something can't be done. I think your point about where we have come from and how we have gotten here is proof positive that man, or woman, can accomplish about anything they wish if they have an open mind and the information their brain needs to get it done. Without this the men would still be dragging their women around by the hair and killing supper with a club. Art
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
16 Jul 09
All things begin as a figment of imagination. Henry Ford imagined a Model T automobile in his mind's eye,and it became reality. Henry brought it into existence, and thousands drove it down the road. Sometimes, many people at the same time can have a figment of imagination. Hundreds have seen flying saucers, thousands have seen sea monsters, and almost everyone has seen a ghost, at least once in a lifetime. Each of these are etched indelibly in the minds of the observers, as big as life and twice as beautiful! Who is ready to stand up and say, "these people are dreaming?"
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Jul 09
Hey there barehugs, long time no speak to. I agree, without imagination we'd not have motor vehicles with round wheels. The mind is an amazing source of inspiration, and the brain a muscle through those thoughts are directed to manifest.
• United States
16 Jul 09
Hi, tetchie! Even in the most basic philosophy course, this is an opening topic. What it boils down to is that our world is whatever we think it is, and for that reason, flights of fancy are sort of like experiments in existence...
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
17 Jul 09
I agree with what you say cobrateacher. "Our world is whatever we think it is." Have you read Oliver Sacks? Amazing to see what is real from one person to another. Glad you dropped by.
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
16 Jul 09
Imagination is something that starts off as a reality to one person, but can become a genuine and widespread reality with the right attitude and application. Think of novels, and any of the technological advances of the last two centuries. The Industrial Revolution started as a figment of several people's imaginations, which became a reality and laid the foundations of modern life as we know it. Imagination is a great asset if it is used correctly, but it can be a dangerous thing if it is used to construct a fantasy world in which the imaginer loses all touch with reality. Very interesting topic, thank you.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Jul 09
Thanks for visiting Sandra. Nice post.
• India
18 Jul 09
hi! Its not like that. When someone imagines, it literally means that the person is longing for that to happen. Its obvious that man always lives in the world of fantasies. Great scientist Dr. Abdul Kalam has enlightened the minds of young people by his famous quotes"dream your future". cheers!