How can you encourage your spouse when he lose enthusiasm for work?

July 17, 2009 1:22am CST
i always think my hubby is very excellent person either on life or his job,he is a optimistic person and rarely complain in the life at least in my eyes,for me i also never gave him any stress,but he told me recently he lose work enthusiasm and he isn't in the mood to work,although i know he will continue to do his job as good as befor and this idea just like a complain for a while,but i still want to say something to him to encourage him or have you ever faced same situation and you do a good suggestion to encourage them?
2 responses
@ShibbyKid (279)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I have not had to deal with this, yet. I am still a teen in high school, but you could try to compliment him at what he does, how hard he works, and how proud you are of him for keeping his head into work even though he is not feeling up to doing so at this time. Tell him how strong he is for continuing it and that it is inspiring to those who give up when times are tough on them. Good luck!
1 person likes this
• China
17 Jul 09
thank you very much although you are only teen,all you said above i have done just now,so he reply to me on msn"oh,what a sweet wife you are".
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Jul 09
I am glad i could help. I love giving advise and seeing it work for other people.(: Good luck in the future, and if you need anything else, you know where to find me.
1 person likes this
• China
17 Jul 09
you are a good heart girl,i will remember you.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
17 Jul 09
I won't go for encouragement yet. I think i would ask him what makes him lose his interest to work then later on i might think of having a quality time with my husband or taking a rest in a spa or something. I don't have a husband but someday i want to have one. I think that you're very lucky to have him so don't forget to take care of him.Ü
• China
17 Jul 09
i feel you will must be a good wife and mom in a family oneday,because i find you have a good ability which could arrange affair in sensible by your heart.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
17 Jul 09
hey, that's a very nice thing to say! thank you very much.Ü