Have you been on many flights?

@maximax8 (31053)
United Kingdom
July 19, 2009 11:21am CST
I went on my first fight when I was 14 years from London to Athens. In the rest of my teens I flew from London to Sfax via Tunis. I also went on my first long haul flight from London to St Lucia. During my twenties I flew around the world. Since then I hve carried on flying to many different destinations. At the end of last year it was worrying that some airlines were going out of business due to the recession. Therefore when I booked my flight to Cape Town I made sure that I got travel insurance that would pay in the event of an airline ceasing to trade. Now there have some airlines that have crashed recently and reports of near accidents in flight it is scaring me. I will continue to fly because traveling is my top hobby. I love traveling by train but going to Canada next year is the only practical way to go there.
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14 responses
• India
19 Jul 09
Yes i have been to many flights.. TIll not i travel in 8 flights.. When i was studing in banglore.. then i use to come from flights.. On that time in 1 year only.. i travel 6 time in flights.. I have to travel becuase in that year there 2 funtion at my home.. Other then last year i travel 2 times in flight.. so totaly 8 times only.. Before then i never travel in flights..
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
19 Jul 09
You can remember your flights that you have done really well. India is a large country so it was wise that you flew to and from Bangalore.
@Beshaxy (21)
• United States
20 Jul 09
Based on statistic, travel by flight is the most safe way to go somewhere. Last year in my country, an airline got inspected not do all the secure procedure to ensure the flight safety. You know what it mean? They neglected their passanper. It succesly make me afraid to travel by plane.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I've been on a plane a total of 3 times in my life. The last time was in 1984. I'm not sure I'd want to go on a plane these days...there just seems to be too much aggrivation with it. I don't travel much so it's really not a big deal for me. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I think I can safely say I have flown a great deal. Million miler on two airlines. Longest hauls are from US to Asia, but those are taken in legs; Dallas to California 4 hours, California to Hong Kong (my favorite routing) 14 hours prox, Hong Kong to Singapore 8 hours prox. I think that is my longest, with layovers it is approximately a 32 hour trip and grueling. I have done this trip more than once. Also done US to Japan, US to Malaysia, and US to China. All of them are painfully long. US to Europe are not so bad, usually 8 to 12 hours depending on where you are going. Usually direct from Dallas. In the US the longest flights from where I am are to the West Coast. I use to do Dallas to Santa Clara, CA every week, nearly a 4 hour flight each way. Despite recent events I don't worry about accidents, you are still safer in the air than driving.
@kmaram (2533)
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
Hi there, well based on my memory i already have 3 flights already 2 in Asia and the one is just here in our country using airplane. Its really a good feeling visiting another place and i am happy that i gain memories in all the places i had been visited. Looking forward to go for another country especially in Europe hope this will happen as soon as possible but at this point its only a dream, keep on mylotting.
@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
20 Jul 09
I went on quite a lot of flight for business trips. The first flight is still clear in my memory. I was scared about take off and landing, curious about all the buttons in the chairarm. Planes or airbuses vary in size and equipment. I like screens on the back of the front seat. Meals and service also vary a lot. Mostly I choose chicken and rice, beverages without ice. So far mobile phones must be turned off on flight, but news is heard this rule will be deleted from the flight disciplines.
20 Jul 09
I have only ever been on a flight once in my life before. It was a couple years ago, I went to Spain with a few friends. I really would love to travel more and definitely plan to do so. I am not too worried about safety as there are so many regulations that the airlines have to stick to rigorously.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
19 Jul 09
Hello max, I have no idea fo the number of flights I have taken. However, I can remember the first one was from Melbourne to Sydnes, when I was only seven. It was an lod DC3, and I loved it. We went to Sydeny for a holiday with my aunt.
@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
19 Jul 09
The first flight I was on was a flight to California when I was only a year old. Of course I do not remember that. I was moving with my family from Oklahoma to California. We would come back over time to see our relatives. Of course I live in Oklahoma now. I also flew several times in several airplanes on my trip to Australia and New Zealand. I haven't flown a lot, but I'd say I've taken about 15 flights in my lifetime. But none have been recently.
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I have no idea how many flights I have taken, nor how far I have flown... but it's a LOT. I'm 48 and have probably averaged about 10 flights a year, since I was little. My parents traveled all over the place, and we'd lived in a dozen countries on three continents, by the time I left home at 18. Some of the earliest "long haul" flights I remember was Luxembourg to Port of Spain, Trinidad; also London to Nairobi. I'd like to visit Australia and New Zealand, one of these days.
• United States
20 Jul 09
I have only flown once when i was 17 and i am now 25 i don't plan on flying any time soon.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
20 Jul 09
Hello maximax, I have been on many flights but couldn't possible recall how many. However they have all been within Europe and I have never done a long haul flight. I don't plan to fly again any time soon, not because of the worries you have mentioned but because the last time the waiting around at the airport was so interminable. Next time I travel I would choose to travel by car and ferry, or if I ever make it to Istanbul, by train.
@yogambal_64 (1014)
• India
20 Jul 09
Yes, I have been on many flights mostly inside my country and a few abroad trips too. Now a days it is quite frightening to fly and people choose other means even if it is time consuming. I have also commuted by trains to long distances.
• Cyprus
20 Jul 09
I've been taking twelve two hour flights a year the last three years due to my studies abroad.Before that i went on 3-4 flights with the earliest being when i was around 5 years old. I have also noticed the increase in airplane crashes lately but in each case there's a different cause for the crash so there's no general problem.