Norwegian Black Metal or Swedish Black Metal?

United States
July 20, 2009 2:16am CST
Which type of Black Metal do you prefer and which would you recommend.
5 responses
• Kolkata, India
22 Sep 15
norwigian black metal of course...they are the pioneer of black metal music...they gave us Mayhem(which is a legend of course), immortal,burzum, gorgoroth. maximum popular black metal band actually originate from norway. so its definitely norway. but we must not forget the band line Marduk or Barathrum....
• Indonesia
29 Mar 12
Both are equally fun for me. And I prefer from Norway like Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, etc..
@ShibbyKid (279)
• United States
2 Aug 09
(: Whichever one you prefer.
• Romania
16 Jul 10
It doesnt matter! I am listening to turkish black metal, chinese black metal, kyrgystan black metal, israeli black metal and it sounds f awesome! If you like black metal, the origin doesnt matter that much!
13 Jan 12
Swedish black metal. There are some great norwegian black metals that start it all but know I think Sweden is making better current music such as lifelover the shining and, silencer