What do you feel when your PARENTS QUARREL?

July 20, 2009 7:59am CST
For me, its the MOST FRUSTRATING....! I don't feel this bad when being abused by someone.. ho! (though quarrels are rare, they never understand HOW I FEEL!)
5 responses
• China
20 Jul 09
I usually feel frightened and heartbroken when my parents quarrel with each other. I know every couple have their own difficulties and sometimes they themselves also don't know how to deal with them so they "Have to "quarrel. As a child, in a word, sometimes we also should be comsiderate for our parents for that their quarrels also make themselves sad. You can try your best to speak with they each and tell them your feeling but no crying yourself only.
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• Philippines
20 Jul 09
That is a good idea. Talking to your parents will be a great help fro them to fix teh problem. You will serve as their bridge.
• India
20 Jul 09
Its very bad to know that the parents quarrel and its a problem with at least 90% of the population ... As the parents grow older i think they loose all the love they had between them when they were younger or just married ....Instead of feel sad and depressed i think you should do something that can get them together again...
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@glesil_00 (1142)
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
Quarreling is just normal for me, and i don't feel i am frightened or anything about my mother and stepfather's word war. My mother do not say something against my stepfather if there is no deep reason behind it. I am also thankful that they are saying words but not end up into physical or more serious word war because my stepfather stay away from my mother and that could make mama stop saying anything. I am not affected sometimes because mama is the only one who speak and my father is just a listener because he know its his fault. In this 21 years of being together now, there were lots of word war but do not end up into more serious word war or physical. My stepfather know what makes mama calm down.
@rberon1985 (5359)
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
I have experienced qaurrels of my parents when I was still a kid. My father is really bad. He used to hurt my mom after drinking a lot of liquior. I really pity my mom that time. I cannot do something about it because I was just a kid. As far as I cannot remember, what I did is that I act like having a heart attact for them to stop quarelling, and find it as a simple way to let them stop. Now, my mom and dad are already separated. I am not sad that my father legt, actually I am very glad and very happy because my mom will no longer receive any physical and emotional pain.You are right in saying that it is really frustating. Anyway, we cannot avoid it, it is actually part of the family.
• China
20 Jul 09
Hi.I'm sorry for your family and maybe divorce is the best way for your parents. good luck.
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
I don't think so if my parents will still file a divorce r not. I the first place, they have't seen each other for almost 8 years now. Secondly, it is very expensive here in our country if you will be requesting for divorce.
• China
20 Jul 09
oh.sorry . excuce me for I haven't read clearly. anyway, I'm sorry for your mother and also your father,maybe they're inapposite. you're right.it's actually part of the family.Every family have its own problem but we must have confidence in future.
@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
20 Jul 09
I agree with you that parents should settle their deal behind children. Whatever the differences, they should show love for the children, so that for the children, heart not be broken and feeling for people and life kept optimistic. Otherwise, the split between parents, if any, would lead children into grey or dark for their whole life.