have you ever seen the total eclipse of the sun?

July 21, 2009 11:12pm CST
i am so lucky to have seen whole course of the total eclipse of the sun,it was so strange when the moon went in to the sun and it grew dark totally in the daytime,the dark last about 6 mimutes,i was so exciting at that moment,i will remember the fantastice momnet.so when did you see the total eclipse of the sun last time?
1 response
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
22 Jul 09
:O LUCKY! Where do you live that you were luck y enough to see this? i thought the only place you could see it was in india. :( i wish i could. i think that would be like the coolest thing ever. =)
• China
22 Jul 09
i am in china,there are only several city could see it totally,not all city.