What if your bestfriend ask you to date his/her ex would you or not?

@n30wing (4767)
July 22, 2009 9:17am CST
If my bestfriend ask me to date his ex gf I'll be thinking why and what his reason. If he tells me his dating someone else seriousely and his thinking that were a great match still I would not fall for his trap and still say no. I rather have my own choice not his choice mine. How about you guys? Have a nice day to all of you!
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6 responses
@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
22 Jul 09
hey there!If my bestfriend asked if I would date his ex,I would only if he's good looking!lol
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@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Hi sugarfloss that made me laugh! But what if his not your type woul;d you still do it for your bestfriends. Friendship has still limits! Have a good day to you!
@snowy22315 (174692)
• United States
22 Jul 09
I think it probably could be for a variety of reasons but I would simply just look at that when I was getting ready to date someone. It could be for many reasons but it might just be because she is lonely and your friend is trying to help her out. He might just be being nice.
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@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Hi snowy, well it's not my problems is my bestfriend problem. My bestfriend should not use me at all. There are limits with bestfriends. Have a nice day to you!
• Malaysia
22 Jul 09
i wont ~~ it seems weird ~~ i would rather hav my own choice too ~~
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Hi hapie_angel you said it right precisely! Have a nice day to you!
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
22 Jul 09
First of all I do not want to choose the girlfriend, the dates with other men. If it was free, I will ask him directly: "When can we date?" I do declare and honest.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Hi hsofyan, even if my bestfriend will be the one paying it I wont, I just find it weird! Have a nice day to you!
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
I agree with you. I am not the type of person who easily dates a friend's choice.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Hi entrepinoy, I think even our bestfriends would insist, we still have our own decision and choices. A real friend will respect our answers! Have a nice day to you!
• United States
22 Jul 09
My first response if someone said I should date their ex is, "why did you break up?" Does my friend think she's good enough for me but not good enough for him? Does she have some horrible flaw that he's not telling me about? When two people break up, I usually assume it's for a reason, and since I love and respect my friends, I often assume that it's the fault of their partner, even though I know that can't always be true. But I still wouldn't date someone that my friend didn't like enough to stay with. Also, if I did, I would always feel judged by that friend afterward, because I was content with their leftovers.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Hi surveygeeek, well I'll find it awkward and wierd even my bestfriend pays the date it's a big no way! Have a nice day to you!