My friends computer are restarted

Computer - My friends computer in problem.
July 22, 2009 12:19pm CST
Today i have went to my friends house i have faced a problem on his computer it was that his computer is not shut down by normal command from start menu.I have try it several times to detect the fault but i was failed to do this.when i use the help of task messenger.Then it was done but was not properly solved because it began to restarted after every 1 minute and the windows was not appear.The configuration of the computer is processor 2.0 Ghz,Ram ddr2 512 Mb,Motherboard fox con g31,hard dive samsung 160 Gb. Have you faced such a type of problem before?What are the possible solution of this problem?
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14 responses
@net_ankit (643)
• India
22 Jul 09
Its seems strange friend that PC is restarting everytime after every 1 minute, you told that there was problem of not shutdown properly by start manu shutdown button, It is memory freezing problem there may be some program which is still running in Memory and you told that you shut it down force fully. Actualy there are many reasons of restarting may be heating prblem, Powersupply problem, Memory problem or missing importnat file problem, this is looking like file missing. Repair it through recovery console.
• India
23 Jul 09
Thanks for your solution i think it will work i will inform my friend jast right now i will know you the result.Thanks again.
• India
22 Jul 09
may be registery problem, I can tell you use your restore point and restore it to previous best setting, Goto START PROGRAM ACCESORIES SYSTEM TOOLS SYSTEM RESTORE.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
22 Jul 09
hi shovan, sorry friend, iam not familiar with computer, i know very very less about computer and one more thing your horse running is very good where you have got this figure and how to upload such type of figures in mylot,please let me know...have a nice day
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
23 Jul 09
hi shovan, thanks for the comment,you have not informed that how to upload such type of horse figures,which you have in the picture...have a nice day
• India
23 Jul 09
Thanks friend don't worry i will find a result of this problem.Thanks for your reply.
@icehut (508)
22 Jul 09
Sounds like a heat problem... Check that the CPU fan is spinning - those fans tend to get clogged up with dust and grit, as well as seizures due to lack of lubricant. Another potential source is the PSU - could be itself overheating or not supplying enough juice the the board...
• India
23 Jul 09
Ok friend thanks for your suggestions i will cheque it right now.Thanks again.
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
hi friend i heard my other friend that restart is to broke our computers if we do always restart.but if sometimes restart ,it is okey .
• India
23 Jul 09
It is not in regular rate it restarted after 1 minute so i think its not ok.Thanks for reply.
@raviapts (64)
• India
23 Jul 09
Yes Friend i faced same problem in friends house when i try it several time suddenly i got an idea, i pressed Cntrl+alt+del keys and stoped by total process and tasks then come out from task manager then once again pressed the shutdown button it had automatically shut down thanking you Happy Myloting.
• India
23 Jul 09
Thanks for the reply,Dear friend i have already done it tell me another one .Thanks.
@VisuUnome (208)
• India
22 Jul 09
the problem may be with your operating system that you have installed it...i think that there is a corruption in your operating system you just format your system and then reinstall your operating system this might help you...
• India
23 Jul 09
May be the windows have lost its any data due to virus attack.Thanks for your reply.
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
11 Sep 09
Hello, Yea that had happened to me once before on a desktop PC. The computer would keep on restarting for no particular reason, no matter what I was doing, playing games, or even surfing the Internet. I got fed up and just bought a new PC. Make sure you have a good day, Happy Lotting!!
@SoaD_123 (112)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
22 Jul 09
if restore don t resolve problem you must install new windows :(
• India
23 Jul 09
Yah if it not turn on then i have to set up a new windows.Thanks for the reply.
@bulzika (279)
• Dominican Republic
22 Jul 09
see processes on his startup. remove everything that you don't know what it is. than use registry cleaners and scan register and fix every issues
• India
23 Jul 09
Thanks for your tips i will try the procedure thanks again.
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
I see. There are many possible causes that will make the computer with such behavior. There is a big possibility that there is a virus running on the system. Also you can check the setting for the system,under control panel and check the power settings in there.By the way,is this a portable or a desktop. And when was the last time that the system was working fine? Because you can do system restore as well.
@brienn (825)
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
Does he/she have a genuine OS from windows? If it always shutdown every 1 min, that might be the problem. Or your friends computer might have a virus. Better to install an effective antivirus.
• India
23 Jul 09
I am not sure about the licensing procedure may be its not registered windows.Huh it may be problem of virus he have activate a virus guard also.OK thanks for your reply.
@mickly08 (769)
• China
29 Jul 09
The problem maybe caused by virus or voltage instability.
• United States
6 Aug 09
Get a registry fixer. That may do it.
• Philippines
12 Dec 10
formatting your pc is the best way to resolve this problem. i think some files on the drive c: has been deleted. i think your friend's computer may have missing on the operating system. so just format it. happy mylotting and always take care.