What do you prefer as your offspring, a boy or a girl?

@shamyi (66)
November 13, 2006 2:52am CST
I prefer Girl.
2 responses
• Pakistan
18 Nov 06
i would like to have a boy first ,and then a girl.
@shamyi (66)
• India
20 Nov 06
Thank you for your response
• Janesville, Wisconsin
13 Nov 06
If I ever got brave enough to have offspring.. I would hope for 2 boys and one girl.. and hope they were close in age to eachother.. So they could grow up together... Boys because for me it is easier to spend time with, easier gender for me to handle and raise... Girl because it would be fun to teach her make up if she was interested, and other things... Both have plently of challenges and child rearing, if I so happened to procreate I would accept and love whoever my offspring were regardless of gender... I loved love and appreciate my children.. If I felt comfortable enough ever have any.
@shamyi (66)
• India
18 Nov 06
Thank you for your response