good college

@djnz69 (33)
United States
July 24, 2009 3:19pm CST
I am looking for a good college got any ideas on what to watch out for?
2 responses
• United States
25 Jul 09
Make sure that the college fits your needs. Check out what kind of courses and resources they have for the area you plan on going into and see if it matches what you want. See what kind of environment the campus has, is it big or small, liberal or conservative. Either way you'll be paying a lot of money and you'd be surprised how much those sort of things will affect your experience and motivation. Visit the campus before committing and talk to the people there. Go to their financial aid office and see how much you can make use of the resources they provide.
@neknek (249)
• Philippines
24 Jul 09
education system. know what you want to take up and research on your prospect college. ask people from that same major and university if possible. also find out the cost. the tuition fees, your transpo, cost of living around the place *unless your entering a college near your area* and maybe even boarding. and i don't know if it's important, but i did this. lol. go visit your prospect college and see if you like the place.