How much do you love your partner ?

@HelScream (2822)
July 27, 2009 9:54pm CST
this might be a personal question but want to know from the individual here in mylot how much you love your partner... For me I cant start to explain how much I feel for her its because of the love that she showed me that words are not enough to explain how much I really do .... how about you care to share.
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13 responses
@darksorrow (4666)
• Bangladesh
28 Jul 09
Well like you i also can't explain my feelings. The true feeling of love can not be explained with words i guess. I don't know about others but i always lack words whenever i talk with her. My true feeling never reflect on my words. But she can read me very well and can understand what i have inside me for her. I love her so much that i even can't think of my existence without her. Everything is meaningless without her. As i need air to breath, i also need her to keep my heart beating. Her smile gives me the peace which i have never found anywhere in the world. The way she looks at me....don't have words to explain bro At last i want to say that it is my luck that i have found her. People don't find true love even after a lot searching and i got it in on my first time. Not everyone has such kind of luck i have on love. And i want her love for eternity...though eternity is not enough for me to love her. Well that's what i could tell. Now again lacking words least i explained something...compared to you did not explain at all...
• Bangladesh
28 Jul 09
Well that is when you are with her. I also said i don't need words for her to understand how i feel for her. But you need words to explain to us here in my lot if you want to show your feeling for her...
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
I say my best when I say nothing at all bro
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
HMmm ok ok let me try lol well first when she smile all sorrows and pain in my past and present seems to vanish her smile so magical that she dont even know she posses that simple act that could make my heart beat fast that simple look at her eyes touches my soul the contact between two souls even distance cant separate... you see bro my love for her is beyond imagination I do hope she feels the same as I do for I know what we have is real that would last more than a lifetime
@simonelee (2715)
• China
28 Jul 09
No words can exactly explain how much i love him. But, I, my self is madly in love with him and already promised to my self that I'm going to love him as much as I can. No,one can ever apart us and stop me from loving him.c",$ Happy mylotting!
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
I do hope and wish you all the luck my friend and happy mylotting too.
@simonelee (2715)
• China
29 Jul 09
Thank you helscream.=p So blessed to have a partner like him. He's been good to me, he lead me to the right path. Hey, ckyera, looks like you're here to tease me.(laughing)kidding.
• United States
28 Jul 09
I'm glad u have found happiness. I sure hope it lasts & she feels the same way about u. I don't have a partner so can't share.
• United States
28 Jul 09
I'm o.k. , a little upset right now but so goes life. U have a good day.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
hahaha very direct way of saying my lady how have you been this days been missing you... hope you have a great day.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
hi helscream! for me i think words are not enough to express my love for him...i love him more everyday...he's more than a husband to me...he's my friend, my adviser, my everything! all i can say is that he completes me! hahaha (i just borrow those words from tom cruise's movie!) and i can't imagine my life without him!
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
It should be you had me at hello lol waaaaa yeah I guess thats it my friend no words is good enough to describe how much we love them just got to show it for them to feel...
@Bloggership (1104)
• Indonesia
30 Jul 09
Well i do still love my wife until now even after she had disappoint me... If it's not because for the sake of my son, probably i already divorce her... It's a complicated situation i have now... I hope i'll get through it nicely...
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
I do hope everything will be resolve with you and your wife my friend and find it in your heart to forgive her short comings ... but what ever that may be I am glad you are there for your son... happy weekend
• Indonesia
1 Aug 09
Thanks dude... You've just raise my moral...
@ghail26 (12)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
i love him more than i love myself. whatever hurt he caused and he may cause, i'll still forgive and accept him with all my heart. i guess, love is really blind.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
hmmmm my friend I guess you have to love yourself now better you deserve to be happy and put a little love to him just enough to set him free when the times comes...or if everything goes wrong.
@phayeth (519)
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
i love him so much..even if i know i can't see him nor talk to anymore...
• United States
1 Aug 09
I am so glad there are happy endings out there. As I write this , I have lost contact with my partner. He isn't online. I am waiting and hoping but this is hard when you are a pessimist. When we did contact each other, I loved him with all my heart.He was the first friend that turned into a romantic partner. Before I didn't think it could happen. I am either friends with guys or I have a crust on them, never both at the same time! It was new so it wasn't as deep as your love for yor partner but I hope it would have become that deep.I feel when I do find The One, I'll feel the same way you feel about your partner.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
28 Jul 09
I really love my pair. I want to do anything, so he happy. although now we are there is a problem, and his heart not only for me. I will not stop my love, whatever happens.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
you have a great heart my friend I do hope all that problems you have will be resolve soon and he will realized that your love for him is pure.
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
The answer is quite simple but hard to translate it in words... Love is a subjective thing. And the definition keeps on changing for every person. I love my boyfriend to the point that I am praying to God that I hope he is already the one He had given me to be my lifetime partner.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
yes you are right my friend that too I am praying that she would be my last we have plans for our future together already and I cant hardly wait for the right time to be with her all my life.
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
i really love my husband
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
Thats enough to tell us how much you really do love him my friend those simple lines ....
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
hi helscream, you can't really explain your feeling if you are in love, you can only notice to yourself that you can't live without him/her.. your day will be bad if you can't see him/her, incomplete shall we say.. love is unexplainable, it really is..!! that's what i really know about true love... janebeth.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
I bet you have love also janebeth... yes it is my friend and now I am missing her badly well anyways hoep you have a nice day my friend
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
28 Jul 09
It is hard to explain when you find THE ONE, but it is a two way street. It sounds like your relationship has it. I feel the same about my husband. He shows me love I have never experienced before. It is so important to have that to make a realtionship work these days with all the evil and hurdles that are faced by couples. Keep your love strong for each other and you will be fine
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
yes my friend I believe you are right this love should come from both sides we both give it freely and expect nothing in return We do need it a lot for we are very far from each other for now...but soon we will be together. have a great day my friend