Do I owe someone an apology?

@Kowgirl (3490)
United States
July 30, 2009 1:26pm CST
I got a surprise when I logged on to Mylot today. I must have disagreed with someone on my friend list and they gave me a negative rating so my star went down another point. Not that it matters about the star or the number within, It is not a big deal but I would like to know why my opinion would make them so mad as to give it a negative rating just because I see things in a different way and my opinion is different from theirs. I like to keep an open mind when reading responses from my friends and even if their opinion is different from mine I respect their opinion. I would hate to think that everyone thinks the same. It would be a sad and dull world if we all were the same even in our thoughts and/or opinions about everything.. Does everyone think I owe this "friend" an apology? If so why? If not Why?
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10 responses
@skyhss (1142)
• United States
30 Jul 09
it doesn't have to be someone on your friends list that rated you. any user can rate anyone else. that's what the big flap is right now about the rating system. if you weren't totally rude to someone then i wouldn't worry about apologizing for a real or imagined slight. and if you can't remember anyone that you may have offended in some way, its probably just some jerk who didn't like you opinion on something.
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I am not on this site for a long period of time and I try to join in the discussions of those on my friend list first before I reply to others. Yesterday was one of my short time days and I did not have long to be here so it was a discussion by someone on my friend list. I'm not sure who it was and I wanted to find out why they felt offended by what I wrote in the discussion. Maybe they misunderstood what I wrote.
@Azaerus (820)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
If you were just saying out your opinion and you don't mean any harm to anyone then I think that don't you have to apologize..mylot is here for people to express themselves and not to offend others..if you're not being rude at all and you didn't day anything that offended that person you better not fact I think that friend that you just mentioned should be the one apologizing because that person took everything the wrong way which lead to a misunderstanding..that person should realize that here in mylot every opinion is accepted and that nobody is wrong.. Don't feel bad anymore because some people just aren't tht open-minded..just do what you do and don't mind that friend anymore.. Hope you'll sort things out..happy mylotting..:)
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Thanks, I am glad to see you can understand what I am speaking about. I try not to offend anyone but sometimes people read things in a different way than you intend. I for one would PM them to get more information, Who knows they may know more about the subject than I do. I'm always ready to listen and learn.
@Azaerus (820)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
Ofcourse I do understand you,you're not doing anything at all so don't feel sad about it okay?Sending them a PM is a good move,maybe by doing this they'll understand more what you're trying to say..And letting them realize that you don't have the intention of offending them..:)
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@greenline (14838)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hello Kowgirl. I don't think you need to apologize to any one. I can sense you are a very understanding and sincere person. Mylot certainly is a very unique place bringing people from countries around the world, people of different cultures and traditions. There may be some misunderstandings some times, but this is a very friendly and sincere community, cooperating and helping one another in the best ways one can. Have a nice day !
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Being among the many different nationalities, cultures, beliefs and such is what makes this a great place to get different opinions on everything. It's my way of learning more. I just hope my opinions do not harm anyone or make them feel bad, after all I am only one among thousands who express an opinion. Isn't that the reason we are here?
• United States
31 Jul 09
In my opinion you do not do do anything at all. The person who is trying to make you feel like voicing your opinion differently from theirs is the one who needs to apologize. This website is all about having a free discussion of whatever you want. If he does not agree with your opinions he should not get so aggravated over them. That is just my opinion and no one has to agree or disagree with it. -Alan :-)
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
31 Jul 09
People need to understand that the rating system is not a way to punish people who disagree with them. Unless you were nasty and abusive, there is no reason for somebody to do this to you. If they were decent, they would have come to you directly and said straight out that your response offended them. I don't think you owe anybody an apology.
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@kezabelle (2974)
30 Jul 09
Unless you were rude spiteful or being a bully then no you do not need to apologise, people disagree all the time some can see it for the adult debate it should be others take offence and react in what they may deem the only way they can. either way i dont think one star rating is anything to worry about and certainly nothing to apologise for :D
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I isn't the fact that my star rating went down, I don't know what I could have said to deserve the negative response. I try to be careful in my replies to each discussion I post in, even when my opinion is different. Thanks for your kind words.
@308369666 (111)
• China
31 Jul 09
No way, some people are very boring not to cherish the fruits of someone else ,but I would like you to write the article is in poor to poor rating does not mean it.
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@Elaine77 (315)
• China
31 Jul 09
hi there I dont think you own anyone an apolpgy, I'm not seen you being rude, people disagree with others all the time, and I dont think it's being rated negatively by your friends, negative rate could come from anyone. Good day!
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• Philippines
31 Jul 09
i think you don't owe any explanation nor an apology to that person..if you had responded to his/her discussion and thinks it negatively then, s/he is not worth any response at all..s/he should have been thankful that at least you have made a response to his/her topic regardless of whether that topic is interesting or not..i suggest, if you know that person, then don't attempt replying his/her discussion, s/he might think again that you are pulling him/her if she doesn't like your response..if you had made a response objectively, then there is no problem..there would certainly a bad karma to him/her for what s/her has done to you..and, s/he might have read your topic and i hope that s/he realize her mistake of doing that thing to you..
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• China
31 Jul 09
forget it! It's not a big deal.
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