It is hard to stick it out on mylot,isn't it?

August 2, 2009 3:10am CST
It was three days past since i signed up here and i found that i gradually lose some interest here!I keep myself so busy in working hard here and i think it needs great perseverance to stick it out on mylot . I don't hope to make some earnings here and i just write what i want and hope others can view and make any comments.But i find that it is hard to stick it out on mylot.Do you feel the same way?How can i stick it out here ?and i do admire the one who have gained high ruputation here.Is there always full of interest for you?
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18 responses
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
Hi there! I've been here for a year and yes there were days that I get bored here. But I was able to make it hehe. Boring days and losing interest here in mylot do happens to everyone. It's just normal. But being able to stick it out you have to be clear of what your goals are why you joined mylot. If it's all for the money, no way Jose, you won't get rich here and you'll lose interest easily. But if its the discussion, the sharing, friends, the wholesome community, then you'll be able to make it here. It been only 3 days. That's too early to get bored here. You still haven't experienced the fun of earning here. Make friends and join discussion. I'm sure there a lot of topics that you'll find interesting. Ciao!
@yezzyk (180)
• Netherlands
2 Aug 09
Hi iskayz. If you've been here for a year now, can I ask how many times you've been paid some money? I like to write and read here, but have a b it of a feeling that it takes forever to earn the 10 dollar minimum. Perhaps I'm wrong in that opinion..
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
OMG louise99 you're here!! What happened to you?? You know I kept wondering where you are.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
Oh hi yezzk! I have been paid 6 times already. I was out for almost 3 months and so I never reached payout during those months I was on vacation. Don't worry! You will reach payout. It's not that hard as you think. Just keep on being active on the site and don't forget to have fun here.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
Welcome to mylot zhanjian. make sure you read the mylot's rules and regulations about posting discussions and responses. here's the link to that rule: and not post what you just want..there are very strict to this so, becareful of what you are posting. and besides, if you were patient enough the earnings will come out soon. i think it's better for you to respond to other's discussions so that they will have time to respond to yours.
• China
2 Aug 09
Thanks for reminding me!I really appreciate your warn!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Aug 09
hi zhanjian stick to it, it will be worth it in friendship if nothing else plus you will learn from some of us, and is it not nice to learn new things. you will not make a fortune but you will have fun, and real friends who will give you back much friendship and love. I once could make thiry dollars a month on here but havent been on my computer for nine long months, back now and happy to be mylotting. take care dont give up
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
3 Aug 09
Well for me its not really hard to stay in mylot, becuse I do have a bit of fun posting, but sometimes I have so many things to think about, that I sometimes forget to post, I try to post everyday but theres only so many things a person can do at one time, but I think even when theres less time in my life to post I will still remain a member and post as much as I can.
@angime (87)
3 Aug 09
I feel the same way but we must be more patient my friend, just respond to the discussions and post some, I promise you will be addicted soon.
@tutor19us (455)
• India
3 Aug 09
Yes. It needs some inspiration to make the cents grow! Its been a week since I joined but I lost steam so many times. I almost gave up and then returned because my friend was going on excitedly. :)
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
3 Aug 09
no, not really, thats why it usually takes me so long to make payout in here. it usually takes me a few months because i have too many other things to occupy my time. i usually fit in a few minutes here or there for mylot but thats about it.
@heihong (59)
• China
2 Aug 09
Only three days is too short for you to stick out on maylot, just keep on starting and commenting and one day you will make it.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
2 Aug 09
no, not at all. i do alot of other things. mylot just a small part of my life.
2 Aug 09
I have been on here for a year and the most I have made is 8.12 but I have only done something like 200 posts. I like to talk to people on here, and its an easy way to make a bit of extra money. Some topics are very interesting. I dont know how you can make a lot of money on here, but I think its more for enjoyment.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
2 Aug 09
It is hard to stick it out here at mylot! Hello friend, I just want to say that I can understand where you are coming from when you say it's hard to stick it out here at mylot. But that is how just about everybody feels in the beginning. Soon you will begin to make some advances when you learn exactly how this site works. Be sure to read the mylot rules and guidelines thoroughly. That will be the first key to enlightenment. Always accept all friends when you receive a friend request. Try to make your post at least four lines long then if you decide to go farther you will be paid even more. As you begin to make more friends and have good relations with people. You will begin to see the advantages to being a mylotter. As it's not just about the money that you can make here but it's really all about, continuing to write what you want. But trying to follow the guidelines and enjoying what you are doing. Soon you will see that there is no other place where you'd rather be. Not to mention the fact that there are always people here that are showing us different ways of earning. That my friend is called Networking. So yeah, this site will work well for you if you work it. Good luck and please add me as a friend and let me know if you need any more help or advice. We are here for each other........ Peace out, CC.
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
2 Aug 09
Hi zhanjian and welcome to mylot! I think that if all you want to get out of mylot is money, you are not in the right site. But if you want to learn about new places, meet new people from all over the world, expend your universe, then you are in the right site and you won´t be bored. I didn´t check where you are from, nor what´s you age (I will later) but I am answering you from Chile, South America and I´m a 64 year old person. I feel that that possibility that mylot gives us is enough to keep us away from boredom. Check the rules and you will do better here. Maybe that will also help. Have a nice day!
@rosekiss (30414)
• Eugene, Oregon
3 Aug 09
It really isn't hard for me to stick it out in here, as I am really enjoying myself here and that is what it is all about anyway. I don't stay in here hour after hour as I have other things to do, so taking breaks does help. The hardest part of it all is finding discussons to potst to. I just have to keep searching as a lot of the discussions out rhere just don't interest me. I tis sad too, but htat is the way it is. A lot of them are more or less repeats of ones that are already on the board. I get tired of the ones that ask how they can make money here. They should read the faqs page and they would see what it says. When I came in here, I just started posting as it wasn't hard to see what to do, but then again that is just me. This is to nice a place not to want to be here and do the best one can. Good luck to you and happy myloting.
• China
3 Aug 09
I'm a newcomer here. I still have the interest to move on even though I don't get many responses. Good luck! Fighting!
• India
2 Aug 09
No, I have never found it hard to stick on here at mylot. I have been here for quite sometime and I thnk its one of the most easiest and flexible site you can find…people are very open and friendly and you can start and respond to any discussions…you can make friends and cut jokes and also discuss personal issues…all within a permissible level of politeness of course, but otherwise its more like chatting with friends but with more wholesome content. I cant understand what specific problems you are facing.
@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I just post when I can. Some days I can post more than others. Then I have days where I do not get on here at all.
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
2 Aug 09
For me i play for earning first.I don't have the special interesting in mylot.I will try to write and have some tricks to do.
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
i feel the same way here, ive been a member for mylot for a week and im glad i earned a dollar plus... event im earning cents a day, its ok! im hoping that i can increase my earnings more by posting discussions and responding to topics. we'll just post and post till we reach payout and share some opinions, have fun and make friends to your fellow mylot members. happy mylotting!