Hello everyone! I'm new here and I don't have friends yet.

August 5, 2009 8:58pm CST
You can add me as your friend. :) We can discuss anything on this thread. I'm a very simple person who loves to blog. My blog : http://alexiel-blog.blogspot.com You can find my interest here, Have a nice day! :)
1 person likes this
3 responses
• India
6 Aug 09
Hi Friend, Welcome to Mylot... You have come to a great place of FUN = FUNDS. But before doing that, please read the guidelines throughly and you should not post any referral or personal links here unrelated to the discussion. I have also learnt new things here. Please check it out the below link which might be useful to you: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2092635.aspx It will be useful for you to have fun here... Enjoy Mylotting...
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
Thanks for that Philip Shiny , I'll make sure be checking on that from time to time.
• United States
6 Aug 09
I checked out your blog, and I found it very informative. I have bookmarked it so I can look through it some more later on.
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
Thanks k1ley4evr..:) Feel free to give feedbacks on my blog.
• United States
6 Aug 09
Welcome to mylot alexiel. If you (or anyone for that matter) wants a friend on their list, go ahead and send me a request and I will accept it.