House Bill Forces States and Local Governments to Adhere to their Plan.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
August 6, 2009 5:15am CST
6 Subtitle E—States Failing to Ad7 here to Certain Employment Ob8 ligations 9 SEC. 2541. LIMITATION ON FEDERAL FUNDS. 10 A State is eligible for Federal funds under the provi11 sions of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201 et 12 seq.) only if the State— 13 (1) agrees to be subject in its capacity as an 14 employer to each obligation under division A of this 15 Act and the amendments made by such division ap16 plicable to persons in their capacity as an employer; 17 and 18 (2) assures that all political subdivisions in the 19 State will do the same. Once again, Congress exempts themselves from both the "public option" and the tax that they impose on entities that choose to self insure. While they are exempting themselves, they are telling states that they can only expect federal funds for the Public Service Act if they both adhere to agree to be subject as an employer to the "reform" bill and force city, county and all other "political subdivisions" in their state. Once again, we see that choice is a foreign concept the the blowhards in Congress who lie about supporting anyone but their arrogant, over bloated selves.
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