What is the worst thing you have eaten?

August 8, 2009 6:07am CST
I have travelled a fair bit and tasted a number of local delicacies. Easily the worst thing I have tried was something I had in South Korea. I have to admit I was a little intoxicated at the time of trying this local dish. I also have to say I will never eat it again, EVER. I sat down with a group of friends in a restaurant and as a starter we were served live octopus. Yes it was still wriggling about, it had been chopped literally just before being bought to the table. It was still moving when I put it in my mouth. It was discusting. No other words to describe it. What is the worst thing you have eaten??
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3 responses
@yelrihs (298)
• Australia
8 Aug 09
Korean's raw beef with raw eggs was intriguing at first but very nice!! and i have eaten many others, snakes, tigers, monkey, ox tongue, pigs brain, frogs, dogs, and many others (my grandfather was a hunter).. they were all good stuff to be honest..
8 Aug 09
Oh my god you really have eaten lots of strange foods! Wow what did monkey taste like? They eat dog in Korea usually in a soup i think. It is something I was offered when I was in Korea but I just could not eat it. What does that taste like? Thanks for the comment?
• Indonesia
8 Aug 09
Waw! Seems like you love to eat extreme foods! My parents would love to do it and ask advice from you It's quiet hard to buy those kind of food in my country, except if you hunt it and lucky you, your grandpa was a hunter have you ever experience diarrhea or stomach ache after eat certain extreme food? If yes, may I know what food is it?
• Indonesia
8 Aug 09
I can't imagine to eat wriggling octopus.. The worst thing I ever eat is a soup from Korea called "choo o tang" or sounds like that. My brother suggest it and it's the first time I try to eat in Korean restaurant. It made from blended eel or catfish and they add certain spices on it. The taste is sour! and the texture of blended catfish is like porridge, so imagine you eat black sour porridge with certain smell of spices..No, I will never eat it again! I don't know it's because I choose the wrong restaurant or I choose the wrong menu.. But maybe "Bulgogi" or other menu taste delicious.. I will be selective next time and ask first before I choose any menu again!
8 Aug 09
That doesn't sound very tasty at all. Korean food can be a bit hit and miss. You can't go wrong with bulgogi, kimchi, dubu and kimbap! Next time try something simple to get you used to korean food. It is great if you like pickled flavours and garlic. I love korean food but not when I first went there. thanks for the comment!
@kircho (493)
• Bulgaria
8 Aug 09
It was spaghetti. Maybe they were not very good boiled, so they were not very delicious for me.
8 Aug 09
oohh I love spaghetti. But like you say it isnt very good if over or under cooked. What did you eat it with? Thanks for the comment!