What is that one thing you dont forget to do before you sleep at night.

@Archie0 (5651)
August 12, 2009 8:14am CST
Hey friends, why dont you tell me the exact last thing of your day you do before you go to bed?We all ask each other about our daily chores, what we eat, where we go etc.But lets know that one last thing of yours that you think is necessary and do it everyday before you go to sleep, other than going to washroom :p because that we all do and is common.
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14 responses
• United States
12 Aug 09
I always make sure to kiss my children goodnight and tell them I love them. I never forget to do it, I believe it is necessary because you never know what tomorrow will bring, and I always wants my kids to know that I love them..
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@Archie0 (5651)
12 Aug 09
that is so loving, caring and true. i cant say anything more :) may god bless you and your family with love and happiness.
• United States
12 Aug 09
Thank you so so much!! Great discussion too :]
12 Aug 09
The last thing that i do at night is go into my baby daughters bedroom and check that she is asleep and ok then i got into my own room and go to bed. I always have to check her to make sure she is comfy and doesnt have a cover over her face or anything just incase an accident were to happen
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@Archie0 (5651)
12 Aug 09
oh does she sleep alone in another room?
• United States
12 Aug 09
Alarm Clock - This is a picture of an alarm clock people can use to help them be on time for things.
The one thing that I don't forget to do before I go to bed is turn on my alarm clock. My kids will be starting school and I need to get them up. I work 2nd shift so I get home late. I then stay up for a little while on the computer so if I dont have my alarm set I would sleep for along time and not get them up for school and then they would be late. I also go to the bathroom right before bed so I dont have to get up in the middle of the night.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Aug 09
hi archieo hatley here. the very last thing I do after putting on body moisturizer on arms and legs, is to say my prayer asking God to bless all my friends, and bless everyone else according to their necessities, amen. I really do this just before I turn out my light. it soothes me. I feel as if something is missing if I forget to say my prayers, its just a natural thing for me to] do.
@Archie0 (5651)
12 Aug 09
that is so good to do. well even i never forget to pray but i pray in the day after my showers.and yeah my fav thing before i go to bed is putting moisturiser :)
@andiel (117)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 09
Two things before going to sleep: 1. Singing a song that comes accross my mind while on bed. 2. Just before sleep, i will say a little prayer; hope tomorrow would be a better day, and protection for me and family from any evil and danger.
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@divkris (1156)
• India
12 Aug 09
oops i thought i would say that i visit the loo before going for bed! Hmmm ... i think i mylot or watch TV before going to bed. I generally browse through the internet and now-a-days i only do mylotting :) So what about you??
@Archie0 (5651)
12 Aug 09
Hehehe!i know people would have laughed over me and told me that ofcourse we all visit the comode before coming to bed..so i mentioned that there. well i got many things every single night like sometimes i will mylot just before sleeping or slang a friend over a chat or smoke or oil my hair no day of mine repeats the same thing except i drink a lot of water before i go to bed and yeah the lou not to forget :-p
@balasri (26537)
• India
18 Sep 09
Taking my fruit(any fruit) and watching my DVDs or documentaries.I never forget to do this before sleep simply because I just cannot sleep without these addictions.
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
21 Sep 09
My last thought before going to sleep (or what I try to hold as I go to sleep) varies but, on reflection, it's always something to do with love or remembering those I hold dear. It might be a prayer or a question I need to ask of God or it might be just an 'I love you' said in my heart for a particular person (there are several, including the person I think of as 'God'). It might even be a friendly "Hi!" to you (if, as you are, the last person I responded to before I went to bed). 'Love' might not be an appropriate word in some senses but you can be included, nevertheless.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
16 Sep 09
Hello Archie. I think that I will have to mention my bathroom because I always take a shower first just before going to bed. This is my habitual action to take a shower. I won't feel like sleeping without a shower. Take care, friend.
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
The one thing I do is drink a bit of water to, because I don't want my mouth getting dry, and also going to the bathroom to pee. I don't like having to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, so I try to let everything out before going to bed LOL!
• Germany
30 Sep 09
Hi, Archie. I think sometimes it depends on what i am going to do the next day. During the exam period, i always plan what to do and what to learn on the next day before sleeping. If i go to travel, then i will also plan where to go before sleeping. However, now, after i have a baby, i always have to check whether he is covered with the blanket and make sure all the pillows are around him to prevent him from falling down off the bed, before i sleep. Hahaha..i think being a mother really do change my lifestyle. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
• Philippines
18 Aug 09
three things i don't forget before going to sleep. first, closed all doors and turn off the lights, next toothbrush and wash my face and third, make the last and final post until you have nothing else to think about in mylot. besides, it's on the end where i get to post more.
• Malaysia
14 Aug 09
The one last thing before i sleep every night is to pray to God. I'll pray that He will bless my day, and guide me in every step that i'll take :)
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
17 Sep 09
Most of the cases i generally work on my pc before sleep. But may be how much unhappy or unsatisfied i m during the time. I just take name of god and ask him to offer me and to be with me. May be during that time i have not full concentration in him. But now it has become my habit. Atleast i have one good habit. lol