Does your feet and muscles hurt after a long walk?

@hotsummer (13835)
August 12, 2009 12:57pm CST
I noticed before when i go out a lot and do a lot of walking when i go to places that at the end of the day that my feet hurt and my muscles kind of hurt and sore and tired. like when i go around the malls, at the afternoon upon getting home that i feel so tired that i will just massage my legs and feet to relieve the tiredness that i feel specially i always wear shoes back then. but now that i usually use comfortable sandals that i don't feel that tiredness any more. so what is your cause of your tiredness was is the long day of work or because of your shoes you wear every day at your work.
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15 responses
@voldrox (7191)
• India
12 Aug 09
hi wearing the right shoes is pretty important when one goes for a long walk or jogging, yes it does hurt when one goes for a long walk, we must have a nice input to ourselves 2 to 3 hours before we are going to do some labour walking around long distances or cycling, even i get very tired after long walks and just like to lie on the bed and have a nice sleep, you will see it really helps to get a good sleep after you have walked quiet a distance, and yeah sometimes a good massage also helps... black shoes are very uncomfortable, i suggest you don't use them when walking long distances, they are better off only for office or parties and all, use sneakers or jogging shoes, or like you say you have comfy sandals, then use them ... i always like to wear sneakers when i go out having with friends and it helps a lot.... thin soled shoes are also not good as they don't much absorb the shock that your feet receive when walking ... have a nice day hotsummer and yeah keep walking, it is a good exercise one can have if not having time to perform a dedicated exercise like jogging and all....
• United States
13 Aug 09
A long nap is good any time. I like to take naps after I eat a meal in the late afternoon or evening. A nap is good after a hard workout and of course those household chores. Hey, voldrox, do you think that maybe we are a little on the lazy side of life? Nah, I just enjoy the naps and my so comfortable bed or couch. Have a good day.
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@hotsummer (13835)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
yes, i am planning to be a new shoes that is quite comfortable to wear. cause the one i bought last time was quite okay but i am planning to buy a more comfortable but suits my dress as well. cause the one last time is black leather and does not seem to fit well with my get ups of jeans and shirt. ha ha. i am going to buy like a sneaker kind of shoes. wish me luck. but i am not into wearing shoes actually a lot now. i am more into wearing sandals but i still plan to buy this new shoes cause there are times that i need to go somewhere that will require me wearing pair of shoes and i don't want to go there just in my sandals specially when it is a formal occasion or event. shoes really affects the muscles and the comfort of our feet. and i had learned quite painfully actually when i first wear my new shoes i got some bruises and felt some pain on my toes. ha ha. anyways, after some days it actually adjusted to my feet. i guess on the first day of wearing it we should wear it for 30 minutes or so then gradually wearing it a little longer each day till the feet is used to the shoes and the shoes has adjusted already and stretched a bit to give the feet a little more space for the to fit into the shoes.
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@voldrox (7191)
• India
14 Aug 09
@rosepedal64 well i don't know about you rosepedal you but i have to admit i am a very lazy person... but by the way you write it, i think you are lazy too.... hehe
@mentalward (14691)
• United States
12 Aug 09
My everything hurts if I walk around too much, especially my lower back. My problem is fibromyalgia. I did know someone who had some really severe back pain until he bought new work boots. He's in concrete construction and works as a carpenter. He must wear work boots every day. He didn't realize what a huge difference a pair of boots (or shoes) can make until he bought a pair of very good (and very expensive) boots. The difference was worth more than the extra money; his back didn't hurt at all after wearing those boots only one day! Very definitely, the right shoes, or boots, can make a world of difference. I'm glad you found shoes (sandals) that are comfortable and don't make you hurt at the end of the day!
@mentalward (14691)
• United States
13 Aug 09
Thank you so much for those kind words and well wishes, rosepedal. Fibromyalgia is hard to live with, especially when it flares or if I've overdone it. I guess your sister and I are alike in that we don't like letting this disease stop us and we tend to overdo things. I do this quite often. I hurt for days afterward but, just knowing what I accomplished in one day helps me to get through those days that follow where my body is telling me to stop overdoing it. The hardest thing I have to deal with is this seven-year-long battle with Social Security to get disability. Yeah, seven long years now I've been trying to get it. I worked for 40 years so I think I've earned it and every doctor I've seen says I cannot work, but Social Security doesn't care about me. I have no lawyer because my old ones dropped me after my last denial and I can't get a new one because all they care about is money and my old lawyers refuse to sign a waiver of attorneys fees. I've been waiting for six months now since my last hearing but haven't heard anything yet. I was just writing another letter to my congressman and senator, begging them to step in and help me because no one else will. This case has been total insanity since I first applied and, now that the judge has no other choice but to approve me, he's dragging his feet. It has caused me even more depression plus heart problems now from the stress and anxiety. Sorry about the rant, it's just that I JUST finished the letter to my congressman and it's very fresh in my mind. I feel for your sister, too. Fibromyalgia can, and often is, a very debilitating thing to deal with every single day.
@hotsummer (13835)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
i have not tried working with boots. seems a very good to wear at work though not for every day use when going out cause it does not seem to be fashionable. but i see some people wear boot style of shoes and they seem cool actually in it. but i guess those are not just any ordinary boots. they are more like fashionable boots in the first place used for going out to places and malls specially.
• United States
13 Aug 09
mentalward! I understand your pain with fibromyalgia. My sister has this diease. She hurts everyday with daily activities. When she goes out and over does it, she pays for it for the next few days. I know when she has a flare up, she has some real major pain. My heart goes out to you. Wish you well.
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
13 Aug 09
yes they do and especially if i walk for distances more than 1 hour ,i do often feel hurtful sensations in my legs and my bones become very heavy, sometimes i also tired and i do have some long hours of sleep, i don't have any problem when i do my daily regular 30 minutes work probably i have gotten used to it
• Malaysia
13 Aug 09
i think possible is you are lack of exercise, what you can do is exercise more frequently like jogging in the morning. this will build up you legs muscle. another cause may be is the shoes you are wearing, if you are wearing high hills, then is time to change to sandals.
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
ya my feet hurts after a long walk, especially when i go malling, i have to walk for hours every where and every store... i always wear rubber shoes in walking, so my feet wont hurt much... feels like there's a cushion in rubber shoes.
@kenchobi (147)
• Philippines
13 Aug 09
Depends on the distance, but I rarely get tired or hurt my muscles after a long walk because I got used to walk very long. Since I was studying, I always walk my way home from school and to save me some money I also walk from time to time. But really long distance walks like 5 kilometers or more, I'll definitely feel the after effects.
@frinces (433)
• Philippines
13 Aug 09
hi hotsummer! my feet gets hurt also when i use a working shoes. i am not comfortable with the shoes that i used to wear. now, i already bought a shoes from natasha that it's material is made up of pvc plastic. it is a black closed shoes but it feels like i am wearing sandals. it is light-weight and bendable. i really enjoy the comfort of wearing it anytime of the day, in any occasions and in any kinds of weather.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Sometime my legs muscles will get sore after a long long walk, it gets a little better after couple days. My feet will get sore if I wear sneakers and walk for a long time, I don't liek the feelings, it feels so tired. I feel better to have a warm shower afterwards.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I have more trouble with my feet hurting than anything else. It's not a mystery as to why they hurt, I am over-weight and really need to lose some. but, I work on my feet for most of the day and it's not unusual that I go how and have to prop my puppies up on a couple pillows for them to stop barking at me. Hopefully the diet I'm starting will help begin to ease this problem.
• Malaysia
12 Aug 09
I find that my legs hurt a lot after a long walk. When I was younger aand did many exercises, I never felt the pain when I walked for long hours. Maybe age something to do with it. Or lack of exercise.
@colydf (913)
• China
13 Aug 09
I do not like walking for a long time, because my feet and muscles will hurt badly after that. As a matter of fact, I am a person with flat feet, so I cannot walk for too long.
@judy1988 (117)
• China
13 Aug 09
sometimes,i go shopping with my friends,after walking for a day,I feel very tired on my feet.I worked as a cashier 2 year ago,at that time,I stood at least 8 hours a day,when I lie on the bed,I just can not feel my feet,but the advantage is that I lose about 5 kilograms.
@dbabcook (388)
• United States
13 Aug 09
I usually have a problem with my thighs & calves hurting after a long walk. My feet used to bother me but I then invested in another pair of shoes and that seemed to remedy the sore feet.
• Philippines
13 Aug 09
when you do it evreday your feet seems stronger and it is a good exercise. For me!!
12 Aug 09
For me, it depends on the length of the walk, if I walk around a park for hours or something that is when my feet start to hurt. However, I tell myself that it is making me stronger every time this happens.