How often do you go back to check your old discussions?

@Citychic (4067)
United States
August 14, 2009 8:19pm CST
Hey friends, just wondering how often you all go back to check out your old discussions to see if somebody has left a comment that you haven't yet responded to. I decided to do that this evening and i found that there were quite a few new commentors that had left a response. I would feel bad if I didn't leave them a response so I am doing my best to get to everyone. Although it may take some time. So how often do you all go back and check your old discussions? Let's talk about it! Have a nice weekend all my lovely friends!
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10 responses
@louren007 (122)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
Well, I just simply turn ON my notification so that I would be notified that somebody has replied to my discussion. In that case, I could immediately respond to it. As of now, I have some discussions with few comments ONLY so that means it is not interesting enough for everybody. Hoping that somebody will be interested...
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
My notifications were turned on but I rarely check on my email. I just check back on the discussions I responded to see If I receive a response.
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
Oh, I see... I got now your point 'coz I think there's no more email notification if somebody "ADD COMMENT" to a specific response. Will you agree to that?
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
I haven't notice that thing but sometimes, it is just a delay on email notifications.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
It's my habit to check my emails daily and see all notifications from mylot and other sites. I immediately go back to my old dicussions should I found new additional comments and do comments back.
15 Aug 09
i only see my old discussion till they get responses after that i simply forget them
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
15 Aug 09
I usually do not go back and check, because i get a notification in my e-mail when their is a new response, and i just answer it from their. I do not start very many so it is not really that much to do. but i did get a response to one of mine the other day that i started months ago.
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
I used too and at that time with the help of the Lam i was able to trace back my old discussions.'s in the past now and i loose sense of replying to it. when ever i check i notice an old part of myself on those accounts
@pushkin69 (546)
15 Aug 09
Hey there. I am still quite new to mylot but am really enjoying chatting to people and enjoy when someone responds to any comment I have made. I do try and make sure that I go back and respond to everyone who has kindly left messages for me.Have an awesome weekend yourself!
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
Good day, citychic! Well, I am doing that thing. I rarely check my email for notifications because I always try to get online here to check back on the discussions I replied and see if I got a comment so I can reply on them. I like exchanging views with others here so I try to post comments on other responses. But sometimes, posting takes delay due of some factors. Maybe it is a problem regarding internet connection or about doing things away from keyboard. I appreciate the comments I receive even it is late. I just consider that all of us here have many things to do aside from getting online here and that may be the cause of delay in posting. It is nice to see a discussion with many responses and with comments on them because it makes the topic more interesting. It makes the discussion active for a longer time compared to a 'dry' discussion, just a post by the starter and some responses, without comments. In that way, how users can interact with the topic? When posting a discussion, it is also a responsibility for the starter to reply on the responses he/she received by posting comments and in that way, interaction exists and that is what a discussion is all about. Have a nice day!
@wyvern501 (166)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
I check my old discussion (which is only 4) every day, to see if someone respond to it.... but now, I am not into making new discussions, so that i would not care to check my discussions again and again... now i only care in responding to someones discussions so i will just get notification if someone replied to it.... i enjoy responding than making new discussion.... hehehe... ;p happy mylotting....
• Indonesia
15 Aug 09
I set my own discussion on my homepage, so whenever I arrive at mylot, I will scroll down to that section and see the number of response. Mylot will send me email if there's new response in my discussion and I will go to that disc to comment back.. I try to immediately leave comment to every new response,, I don't like to wait until certain amount of response before commenting back, because I don't know what to say again or my comment will looks similar in every response..
@indyoke (79)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 09
Cause i'm just new in MyLot, until now i just made 1 discussion. I often reply other discussions. Maybe next time i will create my own discussions