is indian government taking the threat from swine flu seriously?

August 15, 2009 5:10am CST
i dont think so govt. is not prepared enough to tackle swine flu.if the govt. took appropriate measures right from the beginning the country would not had witnessed swine flu.swine flu is spreading day by day.people are dying daily when will this end????
1 response
• India
15 Aug 09
Having known about the swine flu outburst across the world, India had ample time to take necessary precautions to prevent it. But it did not happen so. They neglected or did not pay much attention to this serious issue and we are now paying the price. India doesn't even have a company that manufactures its own swine flu testing kits and has to depend on other countries.
• India
17 Aug 09
india cant do anything by its own.govt. keeps sleeping.they dont have sufficient medicines,testing kits ..& for importing from other countries it would take week wat will happen till then to people having swine flu god helps them