Which news channel do you prefer to watch/visit online?

August 18, 2009 2:04pm CST
hey! I usually visit the BBC website every morning to see whats going on in the world. I find it pretty comprehensive and worth looking at. Yesterday my wife told me to have a look at Al Jazera (english version) she prefers it over all other sites and finds it open-minded and broad in its articles. I am going to check it out tomorrow. I really am not a fan of CNN at all. I dont like the way the site is set out and the content is not always that interesting. Which sites do you look at and why?
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2 responses
• United Kingdom
18 Aug 09
There's only one news channel that I concentrate my efforts on and that is sky news! I love this channel and I love the news crew, they are almost like family now as they are forever in my living room when I am tuned into this channel. I like the way Sky News represents its breaking news stories! All of a sudden the bottom of the screen is displayed in deep red showing 'breaking news' and I then become more alert as I wait to see what the latest breaking news story is. I like to keep in touch with what is going on in the world and sky news definitely does it for me. I watch other channels too but for the majority of the time I am tuned into the sky news crew! Andrew
19 Aug 09
hey there. hehe I like the way you have described them as practically part of the family! They must be good if always on the TV. I tend to use the internet for most of my news information recently rather than the tv. Do you check out their website too? thanks for the comment.
@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
19 Aug 09
I don't really follow news channels, as I find out what goes around in the world from the radio news bulletins. I only watch one news channel, Antena 3 (A Romanian channel), only for one "show", where the anchor has a very funny personal manner of presenting the most important news of the day.