What do you think is better watchin Harry Potter Movies or Reading Books of HP ?

August 20, 2009 10:12pm CST
i prefer reading books , because movies are of limited length and do not completely satisfy the need of the viewer as compared to reading books because it expands the imagination of the reader and helps us to open our minds to higher level but a movie creates a boundary in the path of our infinite imagination power and restricts us to what they want us to see and feel.. but while reading a book our imagination and feeling have no limit...
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7 responses
• United States
21 Aug 09
I agree. Reading the book is also more enjoyable. Everytime I watch a movie after I've read the book I'm disappointed because it's not how I'd imagined it. I prefer my own imagination to the "video version" which can't go in as much detail, and normally missing out on all the internal monolugue that really makes the story so entertaining.
• India
21 Aug 09
yes i agree with you .... so have u read the whole series of HP??
• United States
21 Aug 09
Yes I've read all of the books.
• United States
27 Aug 09
I totally agree with you guys. The movies have little time dedicated to the actually adventures of the books.
@Tantrums (945)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
The books were really good, and the movies were all good, except the 6th in my opinion. I've heard rumors that J.K Rowling is going to start another HP series centered around the new generation of wizards. Sounds like it'll be good, but I'm still not sure if the rumors accurate. My favorite book was the 7th and then the fourth and then the second book. Very good series, I just wish I had a 1st edition Sorcerers Stone for my book collection!
@emma412 (1156)
• United States
21 Aug 09
I always prefer reading the book! I like to imagine the things going on in my own mind and not how some producer wants me to see them. I am also really disappointed when a movie strays from the book. I must admit I am very impressed with all of the Harry Potter movies I have seen so far. I have loved them all, just not quite as much as the books. They all do a very good job of sticking to the book too. I have not, however, seen the most recent Harry Potter that is out in the movie theaters right now. I have heard some not so great reviews about it. I have heard that it leaves big chunks of the book out and strays pretty far from the storyline. I am interested to see if it's true or not.
• United States
21 Aug 09
I agree. I prefer reading the books. You just can't get everything into a movie, given the time limit. However, I also like the movies, although I prefer reading the books. I think they usually do a good job with these movies, given all the material they have to get in during a certain time span. I have to say, though, I thought the last Harry Potter movie was a bit lukewarm compared to the other movies. However, I didn't like that book as much as the others either. The first and last book of this series were, by far, my favorites...and I'd have to say if I had to choose between those two titles the very last book would be my all-time favorite. I loved how Rowling managed the ending there (I won't mention the ending, lest someone hasn't yet read the book, but I did think it was great.)
@anklesmash (1412)
31 Aug 09
the books are a lot better as there are a lot of events that occur in the books that aren't in the films because of the constraints in the length of the film
21 Aug 09
I haven't read or seen all the movies/books but I much preferred reading them to watching the movie after. There are alot of things you can get out of a book that you will never get from the movie. I don't feel the movie ruined reading the books but after I had seen the first one I wasn't really bothered about seeing any of the others.
• China
21 Aug 09
Yes. I like to read. In fact, some not very good writing. However, the film was much better. Of course, some of the book is very good. The film was a mess of. Reading a good book is tantmount to a life experience. Can enrience. Thank you for your proposal. I would be more optimistic about the future of the novel.