I managed to break my littlest toe chasing my son around the house

United States
August 22, 2009 1:00am CST
It has almost been 3 weeks now, but the darn thing is still bugging me. I don't have and can't currently afford health insurance for myself. Therefore I haven't been to the doctors about it. I have popped it mostly back into socket (it did a complete 90degree) And have supported it with vet wrap and card board. It seems to be healing nicely, but every once and awhile it will start screaming. I have sometimes re-whacked it. Very glad I put the small pieces of cardboard slightly past my toe. Has anyone else broken a toe? I have done some research on it and got some great information. but would like to have others take on the situation.
1 response
• United States
24 Aug 09
I have not broken any of my toes. That must hurt being on your foot for any period of time. Sux that you don't have insurance right now, that's one reason my hubby will not leave his job the insurance is too cheap for our family. Have you called the nurse online? Or looked up online or in a book what to do w/ it? I imagine you have as you've made a splint of your own. I hope it heals soon for you.