Dark Shadow becoming a movie ?????

United States
August 28, 2009 2:54pm CST
I recently read on yahoo that Dark Shadow was going to be movie. Guess who is playing Barnabas Collins Johnny Dept thats right I said Johnny Dept. Do you know how hot thats going to be if they do come out with this. I hope they do. So tell what do you think about this let me know.
1 response
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
28 Aug 09
I haven't heard this... But I'm not sure how yet another Dark Shadows remake will go over. When the series was remade in the early 90s, dear old Barnabas had lost about 20 years off of his age in appearance.. lol. I'm honestly not sure if Johnny Depp would be good in this particular role. Heck, even though I am a huge fan of most things vampire, I have no honest desire to even see this, despite loving both versions of the series. The last couple of years have just brought about too many vampire spawns in theater and television and too many of them are alike.
• United States
29 Aug 09
I know what your saying about too many vampire spawns in theater and television. But you know what then answer me this how come all of us still want to keep seeing more and more. Just like true blood its a big hit and some people are still watching it and think so hot. Don't get me wrong I think some case its hot. I love vampire movies and all. Plus don't forget you have New Moon comming out soon too. What do you think about it?