Work Work Work...Looking forward to or not?

August 29, 2009 5:02pm CST
Cring!... Cring!... Cring!... AHH..the sound of your alarm clock. Do you look forward to your job? If your like me i guess you would. My job is to entertain people. Sounds like a good job eh? It is for me:D I work at a nursing home and everyday i would make a program for residents to do and enjoy. Sometimes we would play the Nintendo WII, Bingo, Bowling and other exciting activities. Often times we also go for outings such as Fishing, island trips, the Zoo; etc... Do you look forward to your job?
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1 response
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
29 Aug 09
Olove my job! I work as an hotel recptionist. I do the evening shifts most of the time from 6pm until midnight. That is the shift when the new guests arrive or the ones already there from previous days return after a day's work. I get to talk to them all (yes I talk as much offline as I do here . There is some paperwork and the phone involved too and it's what Itrained for when I left school years ago. You sound like you are happy with yours too! Welcome to myLot and I hope you will enjoy it here!
• Canada
29 Aug 09
Alright Sounds like being a receptionist is a great job also. Thank you very much for your comment. I really appreciate it. I noticed a quick response to the add i have recently just posted. HURRAY for GREAT JOBS!! hehe