Giving away money $$$

August 29, 2009 5:13pm CST
hello everyone,:D Wouldnt it be nice if someone out there has the power to help you get you out of dept? So Im trying to attrack the millionaires and Billionaires, and see if we could convince them to give away some of their riches to us. but how do we do it? any ideas? or comments?
1 response
@taztheone (1721)
• India
30 Aug 09
Well I will say why to Live with some ones money like beggars (hope you won't take it personally). We are humans with high capacity of doing anything. so we should make money from our own ways so that one day you will be really proud of yourself that you have done something in your life. So try for a way to earn money by your own ways & try to succeed in life by your own methods. well this is what I think. Have a nice time
• Canada
30 Aug 09
Hey taz, nice comment i must say. Don't worry nothing is taken personnally. I guess you are just a frank person, which is very understandable, but notice i said in the discussion, "wouldn't it be nice if someone could help you pay off your dept." Rather than I saying " Could somebody please help me pay off my dept" A bit different from beggars. Its rather a more open-ended question. If they wanted to help then AWESOME! if not then, they go on ahead to another page. right?