Have a Question Do you think people that got rich by lottery or etc.....

United States
August 29, 2009 5:19pm CST
Do people change by having money( mean being rich}? Are people really happy of what they have now? In myself I am some what happy but I wouldn't mind having a little extra cash.
1 response
• India
29 Aug 09
You can never tell what money can do to a person.. money has the power to change a person like anything.A person who is very helping might turn out to be a cruel person when he becomes rich and people will never be happy with what they have.poor people wish they had somemore money to buy things rich people think that they may be overthrown by someone in the future so why not earn when they had a chance.that is the way things go....
• United States
30 Aug 09
yeah tell me about like they say money makes world go around