Recession, Recession...

August 29, 2009 5:35pm CST
Ok im really tired of hearing that word now, everytime i go out or invite some of my friends they are always saying "oh im Broke, i have no money, Its recession blah blah blah" lol well its something like that... anyways its very annoying now but how do you tell your friend to just shut up and get a job or something? I dont know about you guys but im tired listening to it. are'nt you?
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2 responses
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I know here in the US jobs are not that easy to find and the recession has hit a lot of people hard. If your friend is looking and not finding a job why would you want to make them feel worst because they cant find one.
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• Canada
29 Aug 09
hi dlr297. its terrible that recession hit hard there in the US, But here in Canada its not that bad. Some of my friends are just very picky. When i lost my job a few months ago and really wanted to get a job i worked hard in finding one. And i succeeded, i gues what im really doin is just giving them a little push in being practical.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Thank you so much for the Best Response. It is very much appreciated. You have made my day a little bit Brighter. And you are right it is not good to be too picky when you need to find a job. and maybe your encouragement might just do the trick to help them get a new job.
• Canada
30 Aug 09
I like Straight forward answer, so yeah dont mention it. I tried you moola game looks interesting im playing it right now.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
30 Aug 09
I don't know, if it was a matter of someone who could find a job but just isn't trying I'd probably say that but I know in my area there haven't been many decent jobs to come by for several years now. Although I must say most of the people I know who are in that position can't afford to go out much! Annie
• Canada
30 Aug 09
How unfortunate for people in your area my friend. I do wish it gets well over there. As for my friends, yes you are right they are just not trying. They do not realize how bless they are to be here in Canada they rely on their parents even though they are already in their 20's. Its ridiculous, I guess i cant really blame them because they are spoiled from their parents. All i can really say to them sometimes is to try and try or ELSE! lol just kidding. you know what i mean. hehehe