do you still view and save your old photo?

@jen14ed (865)
September 1, 2009 3:14am CST
me i still view my old photo i save old my memories of my old photo i put them in the album. what about you do you still remember your old photo!
4 responses
@hotsummer (13836)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
yes i do save my old photos. cause they are fun to look at them from time to time when i am bored here at home. and sometimes it just reminds me of things i used to do before. i keep my old photos in albums. only few are displayed on tables. so when i need to see more old photos i just open my cabinet and take out my old albums.
@sunning (24)
• China
1 Sep 09
when I missed my friends I will look our photoes.Then I will fell wery happy.
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
Yeah, I keep old photos, especially the ones from the pre-digital camera era, those that were developed and printed from film. I'm a sucker for nostalgia and viewing old photos remind me of the good old days with relatives and friends I don't see often. Most of them though are stacked in a box or envelope, I don't buy much photo albums.
@kmaram (2533)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
Hi there, i dont have most of my old photos, i dont have it since we transfer in new house. Well because during that time when we transfer to a new house there is storm and we dont get some of our things in old house including our photo albums. So now i just have recent pictures and i saved it in my laptop, keep on mylotting