Anyone playing mousehunt in facebook ?? Need a help

@minfas (878)
Sri Lanka
September 1, 2009 11:11am CST
I want to donate and get SB+ in mousehunt but i can't because i don't have paypal. Because paypal doesn't support my country Sri Lanka. Anynone here can help me, i will pay them via Alertpay. You can donate via paypal and give me the SB+, i will pay you via Alertpay. I will pay more than you pay it via paypal. The donator gets the lucky golden shield which i wont get it because it will be only given to the one who donates. Anyone willing to get some more $ than they pay for. Let me know.
1 response
@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
2 Sep 09
I think it is a bit weird... I mean, I can understand if you can't make paypal account because your country doesn't support paypal. I can also understand if you would need someone's paypal account to pay for your mousehunt. But... I think myLot is paying you via paypal, and if you don't have paypal, how can you receive money form this site. I am not accusing you lying, but I just want to suggest, that you would better make a paypal account soon. Not only to pay for your own game but also to receive your payment from this site, I think you're a halfway to the payment too.
@minfas (878)
• Sri Lanka
2 Sep 09
If you weren't aware, i guess there was moneybookers as an option for receiving payment here in mylot. Later i heard it was no longer available as a payment option. So, i became less active here. As to the paypal, i already have an account in paypal, but i can't receive any money to use it. Paypal doesn't support my country to receive money.
@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
4 Sep 09
Ah, I knew it. The problem is, that moneybookers won't send monet outside USA for the US accounts. You can search it in myLot's discussions months ago when people got really upset because the non-US members are no longer able to receive money from moneybookers. I hope you'd find a solution for your money problems soon.
@minfas (878)
• Sri Lanka
5 Sep 09
Thanks... I didn't know about it. Anyway i became less active months before when i came to know i can't cashout the money.