do you think america wouldve been a better country if obama isnt the president?

barack obama - first african american to become president of the united states
United States
September 9, 2009 9:57pm CST
our country suffers economy downfall and all that stuff. obama stated his promises before being elected in office to fix this chaos. he is the president right now but still we suffer from many tragedies. do you think our country wouldve been better if say, mccain is our president?
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2 responses
@Demi3z (5)
• Jamaica
10 Sep 09
McCain or Obama it would have been the same thing, it has little to do with them seeing that, it was the greedy White collars on Wall street.mccain would have jus lost more money in warfare
• United States
10 Sep 09
i agree with the warfare thing. if not because of this warfare, are you saying that mccain wouldnt be a better leader than obama?
• Jamaica
10 Sep 09
Definetly not mccain is way too stupid.he would just drive the money away faster
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• United States
10 Sep 09
lol i guess thats what they all say. well my dad is republican does that makes him a loser for voting mccain? hahaha
@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
18 Aug 19
Well, Obama was a better choice than the late songbird!