Asian Pear Recipes

United States
September 11, 2009 9:01am CST
I have 3 Asian Pear trees and they are full and ripe. Any ideas on how to use them up?
1 response
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
11 Sep 09
Hi Luminousent When I was younger we had a Pear tree and my mother used to have us pick the fruit and she would make pear butter. Its like preparing jam or jelly preserves in a jar.They tasted really good she would also can them we had a Peach tree as well and she did the same for that one she made Apple Butter and also jarred the apples . I don't know her recipe (I should have paid more attention ) but I did learn now to make my own fresh baked bread from her she used to make that to go with the fruit preserves she jarred and wow that was really good too fresh bread and homemade preserves what a combination! Hope this helps
• United States
11 Sep 09
Thanks Cherry, I am looking up recipes and there are a lot sauce type recipes out there, I will have to search butter ones too. It sounds good on bread and I am pretty good at that already.