farmville...what is up?

United States
September 16, 2009 8:15pm CST
i love farmville but tonight it is pissing me off. ive had to start over 3 times and redo things on the farm. it pops up that it needs to save but it took a long time and then i got frustrated so i went back to home. tried later and it popped up again. finally, i got most of my farm done and it came up again but i dont have the patience to wait but i am so far in it this time. grrr... are you mylotters having problems with farmville tonight or is it just my server?
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5 responses
@dfollin (25081)
• United States
17 Sep 09
I just really got started in Farmville.Today,I was having some trouble as well.It would tell me that the page was not going thru for me to try again when I try to accept a gift. And on my farm sometimes boxes wouldn't open or get things to stop moving when I would move them. Hopefully it will clear up soon.
• United States
17 Sep 09
same here. i had a gift but it didnt go through earlier too. hopefully tomorrow it will be better.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
17 Sep 09
I have been into Farmville and had no trouble...I think these games have quite a few servers so maybe you are on one at this time that is having problems...
• United States
17 Sep 09
thats what my husband thought. he had no trouble with his but mine is being slow.
@l33tgirl (288)
• New Zealand
24 Sep 09
Farmville tends to have a lot of bugs from time to time. Keep in mind it's still in beta and they are always changing things which sometimes causes problems for people. Just go to their discussion threads on Facebook and you will see if it's an issue on their end or your computer. I found once teh game wasn;'t working and clearing my cache did the trick.
• American Samoa
18 Sep 09
it also happens to me, sometimes it says that the game is out of sync. it has something to do with the animals starting to move. plus i dont like the current sound effects.
• Indonesia
28 Sep 09
Yes i'm having the same problem with you. And i do it 4 times. At first i think, oh well, maybe my internet connection in slow. After that i try again, and the same problem still persist. After 2 more time, i left the game and start mylotting again. Error like this really piss me off, because if you can't save, then there is no point of playing the game at all.