what was your first job. and where do you work now?

United States
September 18, 2009 12:37pm CST
my first job was at arby's when i was in highschool. it was fun at the time. now i watch kids in my home during the day. if you haven't worked yet. then tell me what you would like as a first job.
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4 responses
• Philippines
20 Sep 09
my first job was in my uncles small restaurant, i was a waiter there hehe, now i'm in an airline as A crew.travel the world!, things have really change, is it my fate that i should be in the customer service career?hehe.
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
20 Sep 09
My very first job was as a bus girl at a local restaurant. I would work Friday and Saturdays for $2 an hour, lol. (under the table, plus I got 10% of the waitresses tips) I would help the waitresses by clearing off and cleaning their tables. It was a fun job for me then and earned me some extra cash. I was working this job when I was like 15 years old. Now I'm a certified teacher. I'm not currently in the classroom though. Right now I'm spending 2 years nannying while my husband works on his post doc.
@Archie0 (5651)
18 Sep 09
I have never much worked till yet as i was student and i am still a student the next year i will be working as i will end my study life soon.I worked for 5 months in a BPO for citi bank based in america, i worked for the south part of america.The job paid me ok but there was lot of pressure and risk so i left and i am now just studying and waiting for next year when i will start my profession.
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
19 Sep 09
My first job was...in synergy management services,,,as a marketting..person..but i don't doing this job for long time...i do this job only 1 month..necause there is a reason ..to resign this job...the company didn't pay salary...on time..so i resign this job..they paid salary..after 3-4 month...and not full salary...it's only one month salary..paid after 3-4 months...so it's was very very frustrating to me..