Just This..Have You Ever Considered If Love Is Over In Your Case....

September 20, 2009 6:15am CST
You have your relationship (potentially a marriage) to consider, yet your other partner's heart has conjured another space to fill in another person into the picture. The dark secret hidden in your partner's psyche, sneaking behind your back and asking online friends for telephone numbers and getting hyped up friendly - and there you are left to decide if it's a push or pull factor that is causing your plight. Often, people will fail to see that their relationship has already been doomed long ago, resulting from malicious causes that have inflicted irrevocable damage. Just that the decision to leave their relationship wasn't effected, until the advert of a catalysis to change in one's situation. Our monogamy society is such that a heart cannot house love for two separate individuals, just like "a mountain cannot be home to two tigers". Yet, what can you do when your partner chooses to stray, to be wayward, insensitive to your needs around the house or domestic problems? Does blaming the outside party be of any relief or help to one's partner straying situation? Can all the blames justify your culpable partner? What can a mere frequent online chat conversation and some exchange messages be of any detrimental significance to a stable relationship? Let's face it, the relationship is dysfunctional then the both of you will need to sit down and work on it. Like it or not, your partner's stray started within the realms of your relationship and so it has to be addressed from there. You got to decide what you need to do and stick with it. Blaming the outside party is just immature and pointless. Remaining in the best of both worlds (or status quo) will only promise you greater misery, hardship and karmic repercussion. Or, perhaps consider that love is really over here and that parting is simply inevitable.
1 response
@eLsMarie (4346)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
so to sum all up, you're partner was cheating on you? you're married couples, right? fight for it! i strongly believed that we can love two or more persons romantically but the level of emotion and affection is very much different. you may love more the other one and lesser for the other or vice versa...
1 person likes this
• Singapore
24 Sep 09
eLsMarie, Thank you for your concern here, your comments is being appreciated. However, I am just trying to blab out to people who are actually being cheated by their partners/boyfriend/husband and instead of trying to resolve it with their SO, they go about unnecessarily venting on innocent 3rd party. I was hoping this blabbering would give another side of things and hopefully evolve themselves.
@eLsMarie (4346)
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
do you have kids? kids are the ones greatly affected when couples tend to end up their relationship. i think the best thing that couples should do is to fix it through proper conversation and if nothing happens, both of you should end your relationship or else the kids will hold grudges to their father because he has multiple partners.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
25 Sep 09
eLsMarie, I must stress again that whatever the differences between adult couples, I feel that both parties have the need and responsibilities to sit down and talk - without ever getting the children or aged parents involved. All of us are responsible for our actions and choices. So, we will have to live with our paths and decisions - kids or no kids.