
September 22, 2009 3:18am CST
Came across this saying "A mother ceases to be a mother when she becomes grandmother." The love showered on children gets shifted to grandchildren. They take precedence over children. Law of nature. What do you have to say?
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3 responses
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
22 Sep 09
This is a very true thing that ,I have recently discovered. I know my parents love and care for me.But when it comes to my daughter ,No matter what horrible things she may be up to seem to be overlooked. I don't remember them letting me be like this. Its funny to see this because it has been pressing on my mind ,not out of jealousy mind you.Just a different feeling between, mom and dad and the kid.
• India
23 Sep 09
I have also discovered it and find it true most of the time. But allowing them to do what they want, may not be exactly love. When you love, you may have to act like a superior person, guide them. Being overtly protective may harm the growth of a child. Anything detrimental to healthy physical and mental growth cannot be love!!!!!
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
29 Sep 09
The thanks string - Doing the happy dance !
Thanks for best response! Seems like we have the same thoughts on this one! My brother in law is 40 , I always have to ask why he has not weened yet.There comes a time to give mom and dad a rest.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
Dear harshadod, It is very true. Even from 'a father to a grandfather'. My father was very busy when he was young. However, when he was retired, he really shower his love and care to all his grandchildren that stay with him. They are so lucky, whatever they want, my father will get for them!
1 person likes this
• India
23 Sep 09
I am not very sure about fathers being very good grandfathers but mothers are. There are individual exceptions.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
22 Sep 09
Actually the love of the grandmom becomes greater. Still she becomes a mother to both her children and grandbabies only that her sacrifices and patience were doubled towards her grandchildren where she loves and enjoy doing.
• India
23 Sep 09
A grandmother knows that her child can take care of oneself, but the grandchild needs more love and attention. This is a very unique situation where the protection and love towards grand children is more. Good for every body.