Writing to Publushers

United States
September 22, 2009 10:47am CST
Has anyone written excerpts, articles, blogs, or books, either fictional or non-fictional and sent them to a credible publisher in hopes to have their works published? Did you get published? I have heard of various websites that you can self publish, but I am more interested in actually selling works to a company who will pay out royalties and sell books in stores or online. Any info?
2 responses
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
23 Sep 09
Hey princess, have you ever bashed your head against a wall, because that's what it's like trying to get something published. I tried some time ago, but finally gave up, so now I will try and get it done in a cheap Asian country with a few copies to flog to book sellers. I got some replies from self publishers as well, but you need to pay an upfront fee, and I don't have money to spare. I wish you the best of luck. Of course if you're famous, or have been on the news recently, then it's not difficult.
• United States
24 Sep 09
Yeah, isn't that a load of crap? Anyone in the media-from a famous medical survivor to a the parent of a serial killer can publish a book and make a decent sum off of it. I have never really looked too far into. I have always wanted to write a book and get one published-at least ONE, but don't know how hard it is or really where to start. That sucks that you tried and didn't get anywhere with it. Don't give up!! And in the mean time, let me go rob a bunch of banks and knock off a few people and I will dedicate my first book to you while I sit in prison. (J/K-Hope you know that!!)
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@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
24 Sep 09
Maybe, we could do the banks together, and write a book and call it, Princess and Mike! Lol. We recently had an Englishman who got lost for about nine days in the Australian bush. He was eventually rescued, and looked very fit after his ordeal. (Fake!) His rescue cost a fortune, but he didn't pay much, even though he received a fortune for his story. He will have someone write a book, a best seller, for him. The best thing as far as I'm concerned is I was able to write, "THE END' to my own original work.
• United States
27 Sep 09
Ok, we should do that-LOL!! I have begun writing tons of books, but have never finished any of them, although have come close on a couple occasions. The more I talk to other prospecting writers, the more I see that this industry-like any other-is almost impossible to break into it.
@wmaths (563)
• Italy
26 Sep 09
i have written a book for about four years. then i met a lady who is the responsible of a local publisher and i asked her to take a look at my work. she said it was good and that it was possible to publish it. anyway, as the publisher is not very famous and rich, he asked me a little participation to print the book. anyway now it has been published and sold also on internet. it is a good experience. my personal aim is not to become famous soon or to become rich. nothing of this. i only want to write for myself and for people who want to read me.