Adflashers gone scam ! ! ! ! Please don't join or invest anymore

September 28, 2009 1:57pm CST
Dear Mylotters, I have joined this site some days before. I have invested twice and got my payout twice but now I have some $30 pending for more than 15 days. Today I raised a support ticket asking for the update as the admin told that he will refund the amount I invested but today I got the below mail. [b] Hello, As part of your refund process we have reviewed your account. We discovered that you have already withdrawn more than you have paid in. Therefore we would need you to return the payments sent to you before a refund can be issued. Please let us know if you need further assistance.[/b] I was benefited before I accept. But now it is not worthy joining there anymore. Just a voice of warning.... Cheers... Happy Mylotting......
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11 responses
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
hi philip..correct me if im mistaken... but i started a discussion about adflasher some time ago..and you claimed that you have been paid and that the site is promising.. now looks like it got you too..........
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
good thing i listened to my gut-feeling... i had bad vibes about the i gave it a little time before giving them any of my money... i came to a point where i decided to keep my money versus risking it there.. glad I made that decision!
• India
29 Sep 09
Really, I too have mentioned that in this discussion. I was benefited before, I accept. But now it is not worthy joining there anymore. They paid twice me but my 3rd is still with them for more than 15 days and I too never advised anyone to join there. I told that it is risky investing there. Hope you got me..? Cheers,..Have a nice day
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
Oh is that so? I joined just yesterday and I don't understand how the site goes. so if that is the case i will not continue browsing the site anymore. Good thing I did not invest from that site.
• India
29 Sep 09
Just stay there and never take a step to invest anything... Let us see if they do any progress... Cheers....Have a nice day....
@know21 (1250)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I first spent $15 and got back $30; then spent another $15 and right now have $30 pending for two weeks now. I just sent them a support ticket. I'll keep you all inform and let you know what happens. If they pay me or not.
@know21 (1250)
• United States
28 Sep 09
On 9/28/2009 at 03:57 PM customer support wrote: Hello, We have made tremendous progress this week in clearing out all of the pending funds. These are cleared in the same order they were completed in so it is not unusual for you to see very little movement. Once they begin to clear they should all clear fairly quickly. We are clearing these all out as quickly as possible.
• India
29 Sep 09
This what they've done initially to me too. After that when I stressed, they showed their real face. I'll be the first one to be glad if you get your money back. Cheers... Have a nice day..
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
29 Sep 09
hi phillip, once again you have changed your avatar,am i correct?investing money in the sites is foolishness,how much you have lost,now you have got a lesson,so do not invest the amount without knowing about the site,so be careful?
• India
29 Sep 09
Dear yugasini, I have not changed it again but this is the first time I've changed. I think you have not read the discussion fully. I have invested a little twice and got more than I invested but the third one is still pending... I have not lost any money. In fact I have got more but not fully. Cheers... Have a nice day...
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
2 Oct 09
hi phillip, i think, i have already informed about the site it is scam,no body will pay you continues first they will attract you with prompt payment,people are addict to invest funds after getting confidence then the site people do the scam to evade the money,now your avatar is correct you are in the sea getting out of the sea,have a nice day
@mohitseth (568)
• India
29 Sep 09
ya i know adflasher is a scam bec. no body pays so much. thnks for ur advise.
@dmrone (746)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Hi! I joined there a few days ago. Needless to say i have not been back. The site seems like a scam, and i do not believe i will be going back to do anything at this site. But it is not really a loss for me as i have only been there the one time. Thanks for the information on this. Happy mylotting!
• Malaysia
28 Sep 09
Oh dear, it does look like Adflashers is a scam. I was reluctant to join because I have a feeling it could be a scam site. I did some background search and decided better to be safe than sorry. Are you not allowed to earn money from them? Is there any logic that you must invest more than they pay you? This is not right asking you to return the money because they pay you more than you put in. So utterly ridiculous! This is the first time I have heard of such a system. I feel sorry you invested in them.
• Malaysia
29 Sep 09
Thank you for the warning. They are inefficient and they cheat after sometimes. Yes, truly a scam site. They are inefficient and yet you pay the penalty. What a disgusting underhand tactic!
@shellback (864)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
Tnaks for that philip, im already a member and have a plan to invest, now I know it was scam, I hope you put it on a blogs for the benefit of all, thanks for the tips,..
• Indonesia
29 Sep 09
I already join in adflasher too. But when we must give invest, I don't do that. I only make money online if that is free