i think i am cool...

October 1, 2009 8:30am CST
do you think that you are cool guy, girl, person, etc ... so tell in this discussion that what makes you cool. are you good looking, or by nature and by your behaviour or by any thing else..
6 responses
@jb78000 (15139)
1 Oct 09
if you live in a fridge you will indeed be cool.
• China
1 Oct 09
:),you are so funny!
1 person likes this
• India
3 Oct 09
nice joke buddy!!! but i have not started this discussion for your fun. :(
• United States
1 Oct 09
My beauty is on the inside where it matters. Thank goodness! I do think I am cool though because I get along with a lot of different personalities in my friends and family. I think my grandkids think I am a cool grandmother because I can be silly and goofy like a very young person does sometimes.
1 Oct 09
I like this and that is how a Grandma should be. Long may it last for you x
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Oct 09
LOL well I've never been one to care if I'm "cool" or not and in all honesty its not something I've ever had as a goal...I'm me, take me or leave me, like me or hate me I could quite frankly care less...
• China
1 Oct 09
I'm very handsome. I think I'm not only a handsome appearance I still have the interent charm. As long as you are kind. friendly and caring. You are the most handsome person
@MAllen400 (829)
1 Oct 09
Wow there are a lot on here that have a lot of confidence, or is it all bravo and no action? I think as long as you do good and you know it yourself then you are okay.
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Oct 09
hi there, i am a cool person because i have a positive outlook in life. i always look at the positive side of any challenges or trials coming into my life. i am slow to anger, open-minded, dependable and always have that passion in everything that i do. above-all i am beautiful hehehehehe!