the typhoon that never was...

@deemple (191)
October 2, 2009 10:18am CST
i am here in Quezon City for 10 years.and has experienced a lot of typhoons hitting the area,since Philippines is a prone area on such calamity.when the tyhpoon Ondoy with an international name of ketsana hit the country,i never expect that the 6 hrs non-stop heavy rainfall causes all rivers to overflow making the whole metro manila and nearby towns almost underwater. there were areas near the river who's houses were almost on the roof high and causes damages on one has been spared on the phenomenon.lives were taken old and young alike,beautiful houses,rich or poor were the whole metro manila is on the process of reconstruction and recovery.but sad to say we will be expecting another super typhoon anytime today.i hope no more tragedy as worst as "Typhoon Ondoy" will happen again.and it's the right time for us to take care of the environment.not too late yet.
1 response
• American Samoa
2 Oct 09
it really WAS unexpected for it to happen. im so sad on what happened to our country right now. i really can't imagine the cars floating like boats can't imagine that there are some houses that has been washed away, can't imagine that some in the media is also affected. it is so unexpected but we can't blame anyone. perhaps fate moved us up and we must face it and learn from it. the important thing is, you are alive, there are people that still lives, hope can come out anytime. The world remains wide open while your dreams are alive. :) i really wish and pray for the storm to stop right away :|