What do I do?

my son - This is my son, Look how happy he is... Makes me smile.
United States
October 4, 2009 10:45pm CST
I need advice. I only have half a can of formula left to last a week and a half until I can use my next WIC check. Usually we have enough each month. but my husband took the kids to the park yesterday and somehow left a can of formula on the picnic table at lunch time and it was gone when he went back to get it. In addition I could use a pack of diapers... I already got my freebies around where I live, So. What do I do?
1 response
• United States
5 Oct 09
I know that diapers and formula are expensive. If you do not have the money to buy them, perhaps you could borrow the money from a friend or family member until your next paycheck. If you are really desperate, perhaps somebody in your family could buy them for you. These are essential things that the baby needs, so it doesn't hurt to ask for help sometimes if you really need it. Good luck.