how long are your showers?

@Swadey (220)
October 5, 2009 2:17pm CST
do you take long or short showers? i love long showers but its not good for you, so i ave been trying to make my showers a little shorter now, my dad takes a shower in like five minutes and that is just im possible for me im a girl and i need to do hings in the shower like my hair it takes a long time, i have alot more hair so i always was it twice and the i conditioner which i leave in my hair a little longer cause i dye my hair and then i was my whole body with my body wash, so im in there for a good ten minutes id say.
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22 responses
• United States
6 Oct 09
I use to be a long shower person until i joined the military...after that its been no longer then 10 mins unless im shaving my wife on the other hand she is like you with the twice the conditionerfor the hair. my wife also uses the whole im a girl and it takes time to shower. I found a way to make her take a 15 min shower though... I tell her that if she takes longer then 15 then i wont buy her anymore like a charm for the most part now if i can just convince her that she doesnt get a new pair of shoes each time she get out before the 15 min mark lol
• United States
6 Oct 09
I ussauly spend between ten to fifteen minutes in the shower. I take shorter ones if I don't have the time or have to get going somewhere, but ussauly I take long showers. I take longer showers in the winter than in the summer.
@Ritz100 (1169)
• Yecla, Spain
6 Oct 09
Not only are showers not good for YOU, they are not good for the environment. I tend to spend about 5 minutes in the shower in total, but I do not have the water running for all of that time. I run enough water to wet me all over, turn OFF the water, soap me and sponge/loofah me all over, then put the water back on to wash away the soap. Im not a small person and I can imagine how it can take more that 5 minutes to wash yourself all over with a fast running shower. You are all forgiven if you are also a) washing your hair. b) shaving your legs. c) cutting your toenails. These tasks take longer that 5 minutes.
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
hello swadey, I take a shower for t least 10 minutes because i like the water most specially if it's damn cold when the weather is extremely hot. well, there's also where i got a hair fall when i shower too long, but not that much
• United States
6 Oct 09
I like to take long (10 minutes or more) showers. I'm curious as to why long showers are bad for you. I have never heard of that before. I also like to take cold showers in the morning, but those are shorter. Cold showers help me to wake up. In the evening there is nothing better than a nice relaxing hot shower, especially if I'm just returning from the gym. I agree with you that girls usually take longer in the shower than men. Just curious as to whether you like showers or baths more. I usually go for showers, but if time permits I still love to take bubble baths. I guess I'm still a kid at heart.
@vdhaval (119)
• India
6 Oct 09
well my showers last anywhere between 10-15 mins but i think i shud start having a bath with a bucket of water instead of showers as one tends to waste alot of water while taking bath with showers besides we also have some water problems in my city(though i dont face it)
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
Well, my shower usually takes around 10 minutes. When I am in a hurry, it usually takes around 5 minutes. But most often I take my shower, its 10 minutes to 15 minutes. I really enjoyed taking showers and I take a shower in the morning and in the evening before I sleep. Usually during the evening, its just the same time that I spent with the morning shower.
@huanran (50)
• China
6 Oct 09
Less than half an hour, maybe 15 or 20 minutes, I don't know it's long or short. I know some will take one hour or longer, I think it's a waste, waste a lot of water, at least.
@Archie0 (5652)
6 Oct 09
Hello swadey, well i love to take long last showers till my sister starts a yell from outside.I love taking showers for atleast for 20 to 25 min if i am not washing my hair, if i am washing my hair then i take at least 40 minutes shower then.
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
I cannot survive a day without taking a bath. I always take a bath in the morning so that I will feel energized. I usually take a bath for just fifteen minutes. On weekends when I am not in a hurry, I take a bath for around twenty minutes. My father also takes a bath for just around 5-10 minutes. Guys usually take shorter baths.
• Canada
6 Oct 09
I think my showers take 15-20 minutes. I actually have short hair, so it probably shouldn't be taking me this long to take a shower; it's just that sometimes, I'm thinking about stuff in the shower, my mind wanders, and then I lose all track of time in there (=p). Just out of curiosity, why are long showers bad for you/us? Is it because it's a waste of water or is it some sort of health issue?
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
6 Oct 09
I take quick showers if I am in a hurry to go somewhere. Those showers seem to take five minutes or less. I prefer to take showers that are at least fifteen minutes long though. Nothing is more relaxing than the feel of the hot water raining down on you. I try not to let my showers go beyond fifteen minutes because of water conservation concerns.
• China
6 Oct 09
usually,i take 10 minutes shower at night before go to bed. i have to wash my hair every night,it is still hot now in our city,my hair is oil-kind and it easily dirty,i must wash it everyday,washing hair take me 5 minutes.
@irene3184 (898)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
I always take a very long shower, it my daily routine before going to work and before going to sleep. I love taking shower and I always use bath soap, scrub and body wash to my body which takes time for me to finished bathing.
• Indonesia
5 Oct 09
My average time to take shower is 10 minutes. I like to take shower because it will freshen my body and make me confident. But sometimes i just take a shower for only 5 minutes when i'm in hurry, especially when i wake up late in the morning at work days
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
5 Oct 09
I ususally take 3 minute showers the most would be 6 minutes if shaving. However I'm very fast and family members can't believe how I do it. I don't like wasting water and that is my main reason. If water was free I would love to enjoy taking a nice 10 minute shower. However, when that water bill comes in I don't want to cringe.
@taztheone (1721)
• India
6 Oct 09
I don't have the habit of taking long showers like some of my friends. I hardly takes around 10mins but some of my friends takes around 1hr!. Happy Lotting
@taztheone (1721)
• India
6 Oct 09
I don't have the habit of taking long showers like some of my friends. I hardly takes around 10mins but some of my friends takes around 1hr!. Happy Lotting
@vikkiz (518)
6 Oct 09
Im terrible im in the shower sometimes upto 45 mins and at 48 degrees!!! I have to have hot hot water! my partner only has a 5 min 15 degree shower and im like......cringe! that is not appealing to me!! And about the bills i dont really care... id prefer to spend the extra cash and have that hot long shower lol!
@idtrebor (53)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Im a dad, my girls did the same thing, the bathroom really steamed up! dripping, I would tell them to cut back, the reason is of coarse the fuel being used up to heat the hot water for the shower. Here's a thought, maybe you can wash your hair in the sink, take a fast shower. Your Dad takes a short shower to make up for your long shower! I'm sure you heard all this before, it will take you to be on your own, your own place to see how the bills come in every month, non stop. So to wrap it up, to much steam in the bathroom causes mildew over a period of time, also it gets expensive using a lot of fuel to heat the water.. well, good luck..