are you a health conscious???

October 7, 2009 3:36am CST
have a good day... this is my sad story... i have a friend who died last year... we are friends since we are in high school.. i know his lifestyle... and all i can say is... he is good and health conscious.... early last year he was diagnosed to have cancer of the liver and in stage 2. they said it can be cured.. he was so sad... to hear about this... and also me.... we are so depress about this... we have nothing to say against him... .. about health tips and exercise you can ask him,, and physically he is so yummy and fit.... but then so sad he died last year November... not because of his illness but of depression....we all wonder why.. ... we ask his parents about their family history if someone who have like him but nothing... and he did not even drinks..... so sad to hear but went all nothing.. and Helpless!!!
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4 responses
@Archie0 (5651)
7 Oct 09
Hello jenely yes i am totally health consicous type of person i eat very limited and the things which are just healthy and i dont eat too much spicy, i dont eat rice, i dont eat oily stuff at all.I do workouts regularly.Inever eat outside food at all they are just once in a month or so.I dont like it when i am increasing my weight.
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@SuzyLong (775)
7 Oct 09
I do try to be, I make sure that I buy fruit when I do the shopping and that we have toast or cereal for breakfast. For lunch we'll have soup or a sandwich then we'll have a nice dinner. my fiancee is a chef so he knows how to make healthy meals for us.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 09
hi jenely yes that is sad. Those things do happen and we never really know why. But still do not let that deter you 'from being really health conscious and taking care to get proper nutrition every day.Exercise every day, and keep'a positive attitude at all times. But usually with cancer of the liver, there are some signs of unhealthy living maybe not apparent to anyone but a doctor. anyway if we heed the information we have now on what will be good for us to eat 'we will eat a lot more veggies and fruit, be sure to eat only lean meats, use whole grains and low fat dairy products to make ourselves healthy. cheers. take care.I am very health conscious as I have to be, I am a diabetic.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
10 Oct 09
Yes I'm quite health conscious eating plenty of veggies and fruits. However it doesn't always mean you won't end up with cancer. I had a friend years ago who exercised everyday and only ate good food and she still ended up with cancer. I think it has to do with the family genes. You can do all the right things but if its the family I don't think you can prevent yourself from getting it.