how to find foreign customers in the internet?

October 12, 2009 8:32pm CST
Hi,friends!what do you do? I am a international trade sales.Because i am a graduating student ,i want to learn something from my job.But in my current job,nobody teach me how to deal with my job,and i think the style they work is not very well. I already worked in this company more than ten days,but i still donot know how to find useful customer.Pls help me.Thank you !
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1 response
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
13 Oct 09
you can try to build a website or try to enter chat rooms or online groups with even different interests. You just need to be patient.
• China
13 Oct 09
hi,redphile,thank you for your suggestion.i will try to do that.I hope i will be successful soon.Thank you.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
13 Oct 09
good luck!
• China
30 Mar 10
Hey buddy, we are under the same situation, but i want to give you some words of encouragement, as well as me.come on!