Guys would you prefer your partner looking hot all the time or modest?

United States
October 21, 2009 1:58am CST
So today I tested out my halloween costume while I hung out withmy boyfriend and my costume was like a gangsta mafia one. And it was pretty much this short, short pin striped skirt, a black shirt, heels and a pin striped hat. Even I felt like I looked sexy and at first I really enjoyed walking around out in public like that. And then by the end of the night I was felt kind of scandalous and decided that I will only dress like that on halloween. Normally I am modest with how I dress. Well tonight my boyfriend admited that he felt uncomfortable with me looking so good tonight because he knew other guys were openly checking me out. I thought it was cute. I know he likes it when I dress up but apparantly being too dressy or sexy in public isnt what he wants. So, guys, do you feel the same way about your girl? Or do you like them looking hot all the time?
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5 responses
@sanelaze (167)
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
Before I enter into a serious relationship, I make it a point that my boyfriend and I are on that stage where we don't need to be conscious about how we look in front of each other. As much as I would like to look flawless and gorgeous in front of him all the time, it's important to show him that there will be time that I won't be all dressed-up and made-up - will look harassed, tired or plain and will have a bad hair day from time to time. Its a way to tell whether he likes you NOT just because of your looks. But I have to admit, I make more effort to dress up nicely from time to time with my current bf compared to my ex. My bf (and even my ex) appreciates it when I get compliments and a few admiring looks. Being his gf, I guess its like a compliment to him. Of course there are limits. Its not appropriate to dress too sexy that I might be attracting pervs and unsolicited flirting.
• United States
21 Oct 09
Yes I agree and thats pretty where where my boyfriend and I are at now. I don't even have to try looking good and sometimes he'll tell me I do. It's nice knowing I don't have to go all out just to get his attention. I think thats why he felt a little bit uncomfortable yesterday. I think my outfit was a little bit TOO much. But I had fun while it lasted at least :p
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
21 Oct 09
sounds like you had fun with your costume, least you b.f. told you how he felt instead of acting silly about it. nothing wrong in having other guys look at you long as no one touches, isn't that what most guys do any way when their out with friends? same with us ladies. long as you comfortable in what your wearing, i usually wonder round the house in baggy pants and a top. my partner doesn't usually say anything about what i wear. i had to put something decent on the other night when we went shopping, so i put on a short skirt i've not worn in since last feb i think. it fitted really well and i was happy about it. but my partner isn't to fussed on what i look like, when we go out. have fun at halloween.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
Well, if my partner would be comfortable with anything that she's wearing, I wouldn't try to insist something that she doesn't feel like wearing. Of course, I'd be open in admitting if some of her clothes doesn't make me feel at ease at times but, I'd hope that she'd also be frank on my regard when it comes to the clothes that I wear as well.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
If your partner is hot then there's no reason why one shouldn't be proud of. As long as other guys won't make a pass that's OK.
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
HOT IN BED , but cool in night outs