How old were you when you first fell in love?

@GemmaR (8517)
October 22, 2009 12:59pm CST
I think I was 19 when I first fell in love. That is because I am 19 now, and the guy I'm with now makes me feel totally different than any other guy I've ever met! He is so sweet, and I get butterflies when I'm lying in bed with him.. when he goes home, I miss him right away, and we'll talk on the phone for 2 hours every night before we go to sleep, even if we've seen each other the same day and don't really have that much to say to each other. We can talk for hours about pretty much nothing.. How old do you think you were when you first fell in love? And was it real love, or were you just kidding yourself?
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15 responses
• United States
22 Oct 09
i was 13 he was 15 and yes it was truly real love when i turned 18 me and him got married and have been married ever since and i'm 45 now
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
22 Oct 09
wow! its indeed a real love!
@nagikka (407)
• Italy
22 Oct 09
aww that's so sweet :)
@lyanne (60)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
Wow thats really nice..:)
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
4 Nov 09
lol!... i fell in love when i was 13 and he was 11...heheh!young huh??hehehe! that time we feel and think in a matured way...we were an early bloomer of love..heheh! we had a four years relationship on and was all worth it..but end up breaking each others hearts..unfortunately we didnt end up being a married couple.. i had a husband already..though we didint end up happy in a way that we didnt continued our love and all the sacrificed we made for each other..still im very happy to be her closed friend...i told him..time will come you'll find a better person worth it for your love..though he admits that till now he still do love me..i told him to pray heartily to find your match..and forever you'll find your peace and happiness... and im still here to be your friend... i respect his feelings cause love does crazy things...right?? love isnt only for lovers..but for friends too!.. heheheh!..anyways..long story.. thanks! acie here!
• United States
23 Oct 09
I was 14 when I first fell in love. I spent 6 yrs with that same guy, we had our ups and downs, but I do believe it could've been true love. I've been in love since, and I'm no longer in love with that first love. The guy that I was in love with last, was really true love, because that love just hasn't left yet. He was everything I could've hoped for, though we were just friends. We had two different lives, and that's what took us from each other, but like I said, that love hasn't stopped yet. I'm waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet, that one who I will indeed love for a lifetime.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
23 Oct 09
Falling in love? .... hmmh ... until the age of 36 years old as like this, actually I still wonder what it's like falling in love. Is it true as they say the poets, when we fall in love with a flowery taste of our lives. I honestly have never felt anything like that. The only feeling confused when was pleased with the opposite s*x is when my age 13 year old, but I do not know, whether it is a feel confused is a feel "Falling in love"? until now, I do not know
• India
23 Oct 09
hi,i am 22 year old, till now i have not feel love, but i think now i am feeling that i am in love but it is a one side, here is a girl to whom i am loving, but i do not know she loves me or not, because i never propose her, we both take breakfast on the same table, and we see each other, but we have not talked ever, but i love her so much and i need your good wishes.
@iamainda (10)
• China
23 Oct 09
i guess i began to like others since i was 11,of couse,all of them are secret.actually i think i used to focuse on about 8 guys,that really make me have a sense of sin.there was a special guy whom i used to like for 4 years,i believed he was my love at that time.however,he's not.and so was everyone of them. finally i knew that i just fell in love with my own imagination,my own feeling... my first and last real love began from my 20th years old.he was my friend.i don't have the feeling of exciting like before.sometimes i even wonder why we stay together at the end.but the moment i know that i can't leave him when we quarrel against each other.maybe i would admire at the romantic love of movie,the strong love.but i know the only one whom understand me is him.
@lrglara (1334)
• Philippines
22 Oct 09
i think it was 13 but i soon found out that its just infatuation. when i was 17, i met my bf and we've been together since then and we'll soon get married. that's more than 10 years now. :)
• Southend-On-Sea, England
22 Oct 09
I was 16 and it was 39 years ago. Yes even with hindsight I think it was real love from my side, although he didn't feel the same way about me. Just now and again, after all these years, I still think about him sometimes.
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
I think at the age of 10 years old when I have a first admirer then at the age of 13 have my first boyfriend. Thus, it would never last as we are both immature. I never know if that is love or infatuation,and the guy is sweet, gentle, caring and with a sense of humor that melt me in an instant. Well, this guy is my classmate then i use to ride on his bicycle way back to school and he always been part of my friend groups. Then, we just parted when my family move from another places and that is the last time i see him. Thus, in the coming years I have suitors too but never get so serious with them as I am busy studying. Thought, the communication is only from phone and YM as he live in another provinces. Though, we met every December and other important occasion. I could not say it is love unless I marry him, and for now just enjoying each other company.
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
i was 16yrs old. but i think its only infatuation
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
22 Oct 09
I was 19 years old the first time that I thought I fell in love, but I realized when I was 21 and I met my husband that I had been kidding myself. I just thought I was in love with the boy when I was 19. I was 21 when I really and truly fell in love, and that was with my husband. We've now been together for seven and three quarters years and we've been married for just over five years. We have two children together and we rarely have fights with each other. I know that we will be married for the rest of our lives.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
I can still recall the feeling, the joy...even the pain..cherish it all for when you grow old you will have something to tell your children or even grandchildren. Cheers!
@lyanne (60)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
I was 16 years old back then. He was my first boyfriend and i really thought that he would be the one but i guess it didn't worked out..Our relationship lasted for about 1 year only...We are still good friends though...
23 Oct 09
OMG !i wz 18 nd i fell in luv wd a guy..he wz soo sweet nd mannered i wz in luv cz evn nw i luv hm nt jst miss hm..i thought it wud go away wd tym bt it ddnt..v talkd hrz on fn..nd he wz too gud 4 me
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
22 Oct 09
i am 17 when i fall in love with thins man...and i really mean fall in love & real love...i can say its real coz he's my first & last bf & we are almost 6 years married now...